Hello Again Old Friend

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I set my iPad down on my bed. I never knew looking for clothes and makeup could be so tiring! I sauntered over to the kitchen and began to make toast. I heard a large commotion consisting of heavy items being dropped outside my door I ran over to see what was going on. I thrust my door open and saw my old friend Ivory on the floor trying with to pick up the heavy load of suitcases over her shoulders and on the floor. "Oh dear, i'm so sorry." she muttered, not seeing me standing there.

"Need some help?" I asked, grinning at her presence.

"Del!" she laughed, standing up. "I'm sorry I showed up like this, I'm just looking for an apartment and thought I'd stop by - "

"Say no more." I chuckled, lowering myself to the floor to help pick up the remaining 3 bags on the ground.

I led her inside and set down her luggage down on my bed. "So what brings you to Michigan?" I asked. Ivory lives in Colorado so it was odd seeing her here.

"Well, I got a load of money so I figured I'd move somewhere new. Michigan is where most of my old friends are so, I said, 'Why not?' and... now I'm here." she smiled, her wavy white hair brushing her face. She wore a gray sweatshirt and a pair of light, faded jeans. Like me, Ivory was 16, but I swear she dresses like an old woman.

"Cool." I smiled. "There was something I was supposed to do... what was it?" I thought aloud.

"Oh I hate when I forget what i was doing and -" Ivory was interupted by a loud beeping noise. "What is that?" Ivory yelled over the beeps.

"Shit! Fire Alarm!" I gasped, grabbing the nearest shirt off the ground and started waving around the alarm. Ivory immediatley began to help.

When the beeping stopped about two minutes later, we collapsed on the floor laughing.

"So how's Cam?" she asked, positioning her head in her hands while laying on her stomach.

"Oh he's good I think." I glanced over at her.

"Doesn't he live here? Or at least around here?" she asked.

"Yeah, he actually lives right next to me." I gestured to the wall by the kitchen.

"Let's go see him!" Ivory cried.

"Uh... okay." I shrugged. I guess I understood Ivory wanting to see him, I mean she hadn't seen him in years. Yeah, that was the reason, right? Wrong.

We walked to the apartment next to mine, belonging to Cameron. Knocking on the door, Ivory grinned happily. Cameron answered the door and when he saw Ivory his expression changed from upset, to surprised.

"Ivory!" his voice echoed off his walls. Ushering us in, Cameron slipped his phone into his pocket nonchalantly. I walked into Cameron's kitchen and grabbed a banana, remembering my toast from earlier. This was normal for me, Cameron and I practically lived together. In fact, we were talking about taking the wall that separates us down and replacing it with a window or something.

Cameron had blond wavy hair and sharp grey eyes.

"How are you?" I heard Ivory ask. Cameron took a worried glance toward his desk with a huge pile of papers on it and his computer screen open to his Email. I sat down in a comfy brown leather chair in his living area and peeled my banana. Most of their conversation was muffled due to my attention being on Cameron's computer screen. I  wondered why he looked so worried when he answered the door, and why he kept glancing at it like it was a time bomb about to go off. I decided to forget it and told myself that it probably wasn't that important.

"Yeah, it's fun there. But sometimes I wish I could see Cakey more, right Cake?" Cameron asked.

"Huh?" I peeled my eyes away from his computer screen. Shit. He had caught me. Cameron gave me a nervous glance and bit his lip before changing his expression back to normal. I think Ivory could have sensed the tension between us because she had a skeptic look on her face.

"Starbucks." explained Cameron. "I wish we could see each other more because we both work there."

"Right, yeah I agree." I sputtered. There was a light ringing sound coming from where Ivory was. Cameron and I both looked over at her.

"Oh, that must be Kiana." she managed a fake smile and went out to Cameron's balcony to answer her phone. Cameron kept glaincing over at me and giving nervous chuckles.

Five minutes later, Ivory came back in with a pained expression on her face.

"What's up Ivy?" I asked, shifting in my seat.

"Kiana wants me to fly back, she found an apartment for me." Ivory explanied, chewing on her lip and furrowing her eyebrows.

"When?" Cameron and I both asked at the same time.

"Now. I should really get going..." she began to shuffle toward the door.

"But... you just got here." I sighed. She turned just in the doorway and gave a small smile.

"Bye guys, it was nice seeing you. Del I'll collect my things from your apartment." Ivory took a single glance back, then ran into my apartment.

"I-I should go help her..." I told Cameron. He followed me to the door, frowning. "Bye." I said, but he grabbed my wrist and leaned in close to my ear. His perfectly soft lips grazed over the top of my ear and I shivered, seeing visions of us kissing in his apartment. I leaned my body up against his....

No. I thought, This is going to ruin our friendship. I loosened his grip on my wrist by shaking it. "Bye Cameron." I breathed.

"Wait... Cake I'm sorry..." he called after me, but I was already into the doorway of my apartment, wiping away my tears.


Woah, okay there we go! There's a little Romance for ya, and only in the second chapter :o I know, I know. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Please follow me if you haven't already, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much for all the love you guys give me!! Post in the comments on what you think of Cameron! ^ - ^ ~Angel <3


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