Chapter 1

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I stood there without moving just watching the little girl play around in her backyard right next to a open river. The Ohio River. That river is known for its strong current and all the bodies found in that river. 

The little girl slipped on the mud and fell in the river. I could hear her scream and wanted to help her but I still could not move, no matter how hard I tried. I started screaming out for help but no one was out there either. The only thing I saw was a river, lots of trees, and a little yellow house. I didn't see the little girl anymore.


I woke up from my horrible dream spooked. I had been having this same dream for the last 13 years at least but tonight it was different. I noticed the house, which I had never really noticed til now. When I woke up my husband did to and was worried about me.

"Same dream?" he asked, already knowing the answer to his question. I nodded about to cry, like always. He pulled me into a tight embrace as I fell back a sleep.

When I got up in the morning I poured my coffee and walked out the door. Driving to work I just couldn't stop thinking about my dream I had had last night. Not just the dream the house in the dream. I looked familiar but I didn't quite know why. When I got to work I told my best friend about the house I saw in the dream. She recommended that I should see a psychiatrist. I didn't really think so though. 

Later that night I took my shower but while I was soaking under the water I closed my eyes and began to see visions of the dream and I kept noticing more and more stuff. Like the little girl wasn't wearing any shoes and had a small brown teddy bear in her hands that didn't fall into the river with her. I also noticed that there was a number on the side of the house that read 5613. It looked like a address. 

When I got out of the shower I didn't tell my husband what had happened I just got in bed. I didn't sleep the whole night and the next day ended up taking the day off. I soon got a call from my best friend from work Lucy. 

"Hey girl are you okay?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, but I think i'm going to go see that psychiatrist today." I said.

"Okay. Have fun." Lucy said as I hung up.

I pulled out the card Lucy gave me with the psychiatrists number on it and started dialing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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