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Will Carson/Versan:

16 years old

Has been in foster care since age 2. Gets into a lot of fights and usually wins. Has been arrested 4 times. Currently on probation. Heavily abused since a young age. Gets into a lot of trouble and doesn't follow rules. Very overprotective of his younger foster brother, Luca.

Vincent Carson:

48 years old

Father of Leo, Jaden, Charlie, Kaiden, Theo, and Will. Multimillionaire, values family. Is surprised to hear that Will is alive. Is strict, but reasonable.

Leo Carson:

26 years old

Very serious, feels pressure from being the oldest brother. Acts like a second father to the boys.  Overprotective, worried that something will happen to his family. Is nervous about having Will in the family.

Jaden Carson:

24 years old

Most carefree of the brothers. Isn't overprotective towards his younger siblings. Doesn't like how worried Leo is. Curious about Will and wants to learn more about his life.

Charlie Carson:

21 years old

Is going to college to become an engineer. Very invested in schoolwork. Protective over his siblings. Is looking forward to meeting Will when he comes to visit from college.

Kaiden Carson:

19 years old

Is a little suspicious of Will, but hides it well. Quietest of the brothers, very secretive. Is gay and has a boyfriend, but not out of the closet to his family yet.

Theo Carson:

17 years old

Is a Junior in High School. Very outgoing and popular. Plays football. Is very kind to Will and wants to be his friend. He doesn't remember Will even though the rest of his brothers except for Kaiden do.


10 years old

Was put into foster care a few months ago because his parents died in a car crash. Is very sweet and innocent. Looks up to Will a lot and is very attached to him.

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