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"You deserve answers..." - Augustine

"I still remember the very first time that we met........." - Augustine

" - Augustine

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"I was sad this day, I- I still can't remember why wasn't until this sweet, big hearted, wide eyed girl approached me at my lowest...." - Augustine

(Little 7 year old Ximena walks up to little Augustine.)

"Hey, what's wrong?" - Ximena

Augustine looks up at Ximena with tears running down his face. Augustine quickly wipes his face of the tears and without hesitation Augustine sniffles and says, "nothing, go away!".

Ximena appears to be oblivious to Augustine's tone. Ignoring it, she proceeds to question him further.

"People cry when their sad, I would know because I do. Are you sad?" - Ximena

Ximena asks with a warm smile on her face.

"I wasn't crying." - Augustine

Augustine continues to sniffle and wipe his tears away.

"It's ok to cry ya know, mommy told me that sometimes people need to cry so they can feel better again" - Ximena

Augustine's eyes widen, filling right back up with tears. Seconds before a tear could actually fall, Ximena comes in for a non-consensual hug (being that she is only 7 and all), she squeezes Augustine as if she knew that a hug was exactly what he needed. For her age, she seemed so wise. She whispers in Augustine's ear, "......she also says, sometimes all that a sad person needs is a big hug". That line alone causes Augustine to just ball, releasing all the tears he's been holding in.

Once Augustine gets himself together and stops crying, Ximena finally lets him go. "So, what's your name friend?", asks Ximena. Augustine sniffles one last time and takes a deep breath before stating his name, "I'm Augustine Arsenio Alexander Jr.....oh and I'm the 5th one.", says Augustine.

"Wow, cool name....but that's too long. I'm just gonna call you....Uhh.....Auggy (O-gee)!" - Ximena

Ximena says it with so much excitement.

"Yeah! Auggy is what I'll call you!" - Ximena

"Yeah! Auggy is what I'll call you!" - Ximena

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