Chapter 1: The Letters that Find Us

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The day started off as any day in London, England would. The occupants of 221B Baker Street, still getting settled into their new lives, found themselves sitting eating brunch when their letters came. It was almost as if the sender knew that the pair would sleep in, even though it was a Tuesday, it was in the middle of summer after all. The two pairs of eyes both went immediately to the door as they heard the post come. They hadn't received any post before, and the mail sent both girls into action barreling towards the door.

"I'll get it!" Yelled the younger of the pair, Alessia, as she stormed straight towards the door trying to get there first.

"I'm the adult, who knows what we could have received." Yelled the older of the pair, Alicia, who was just as bored as her younger counterpart.

The two had just moved to London, since Alessia was hoping to gain acceptance to Hogwarts, but they knew no one. Their only friends were the mountains of books they had brought and the other mountain that they bought when going to hogsmeade for the first time. While the pair loved each other, they were getting sick and tired of sightseeing.

"I need something to do-" The pair stopped wrestling over the two pieces of mail when they found the bizarre way the front was addressed. The first, slightly larger piece of mail read: Ms. Ali. Henris, Apartment D, 221B Baker Street, London, England. The second slightly smaller one in Alessia's hand reading the exact same message except Alessia's wrote Ms. Ale. Henris. The pairs names were rather similar after all.

Alicia was staring at her letter with curiosity, she was well beyond the age to attend Hogwarts and she had graduated from Ilvermony over a decade ago. A proud Thunderbird, although she could have been a Wampus if she had chosen differently. Either way she was well beyond her time at school.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme, Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards.
Dear Alicia Kathryn Henris,
Our current Charms professor Flitwick is taking on a larger roll for administration and the choir here at Hogwarts for the next year. Because of this we find ourselves without a well seasoned Charms professor. So, I contacted my friend at Ilvermony for a recommendation. I've known Professor Hardwin for the majority of his life, he's a rather unexcitable fellow I find. Yet, when I asked him for someone well versed in charms he would not stop talking about you. Imagine my surprise, this man who I know to be quiet and reserved, talking animatedly about someone. He told me that you are well skilled in all areas of magic and have a rare patronus of that of a Hippogriff. Quite a feat indeed. Of course, through my own thorough investigation, I have found you to be an amazing replacement if applicable. I am aware that Alessia will most likely be getting her letter soon, so I hope we will receive both of your acceptance letters soon.

Albus Dumbledore

Alicia knew then what would be contained in young Alessia's letter, her acceptance to Hogwarts. A smile came upon Alicia's face, glad Alessia would be able to make her own great memories while learning magic.

Alessia tore open her own letter rather quickly wondering what could be addressed to her when she knew know one in the large bustlingly city of London. Her eyes absorbed the information quickly reading the letter at a break neck speed.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
    Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme, Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards.

Dear Alessia Charlotte Henris,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on the first of September. We await your owl by no later than the thirty-first of July.

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