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jade pov:
after that little talk with that girl it was time for first period. it was science. i wonder if it's like science class at my other school. ooo i wonder if we get to blow stuff up or use cool chemicals!
but when i got there it was definitely not like that we where learning about the periodic table. i learned that 3 years ago and i know those table like the back of my hand. i didn't have that class with the girls and i was kinda sad. izzy had history and emerson had math. but we agreed to sit with each other during lunch. when i got to science the teacher had me go to the front of the class and talk about my self.

ryan pov:
i had science as my first period and i'm not very good at science. i'm better at well none of the classes i have. but soon after i walked in there the new girl came in. and might i say she is beautiful. her hair looks so soft and her skin glows. our teacher had her go to the front of the class and introduce her self.
she said " hi my name is jade kim i'm 17 and i came here from an all girls private school and i'm happy to be here." jade what a nice name i was day dreaming but then i heard some one call my name " Ryan RYAN!" my teacher yelled.
" oh uh yes?" i said
" jade is going to be sitting by you now" when she said that my heart skipped a beat.

jade pov:
i went to go sit in my spot and got my journal out and my pencil bag.
" um hey can i barrow a pencil?" the boy next to me asked.
" uh ya sure here" i handed him a pencil.
" thx i'm ryan btw" he said
" nice to meet you ryan i'm jade." i said
" so your from an all girls school? where is that" he asked the one question i could not answer.
" um it's pretty far from here acutely." i mean i wasn't wrong it was a good 30 minute cab ride here.
" oh cool so what do you do at that school?"
oh no here we go...

a/n: hello loves hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it's short. but i hope y'all had a great day stay happy! :)
QUESTION OF THE DAY: if you where given the chance to marry a fictional character who would it be? idk who mine would be lol

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