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jade pov:

i woke up and remembered that i need to take ryan shopping so i got out of bed and got ready. i did my hair and makeup then got dressed.


i decided to dress cute so he could go to a cafe after we're done shopping

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i decided to dress cute so he could go to a cafe after we're done shopping. i went down stairs and sat on the couch while i called ryan. "hello?" he answered. "hi pretty boy." i said. "hi jade what's up." he said. "i said yesterday i was gonna take you shopping so i'm going to take you to the mall." i said. "oh ok im almost ready." he said. " ok i'll be there in 10 love you." i said then hung up. i grabbed my bag and went to my car. i drove of to ryan's house and i waited till he walked out. i saw him walk out the door and i big smile showed on my face. he got into the car and put his seatbelt on. "hi pretty boy." i said. "hi jade." he said and leaned over to kiss my forehead. when i tell you i blushed so hard. like tomato red. ryan couldn't stop laughing. "ok ok enough." i said hitting him. " ok ow shit that hurt." he said touching his arm. "i forgot that you were trained to fight." he said. "hehe oops." i said. " ok so where we going also you look cute today." he said. "thanks you and we are going to the mall." i said and started driving.

we got to the mall and we walked inside holding hands. we walked into a store and looked around. "i'll buy you anything you want." i told ryan. "baby that's gonna be expensive." he said. my heard fluttered when he called me baby. "it's ok i still have extra money that my school gave me to spend." i said. he nodded his head and went to go look at some clothes. he grabbed a couple things and went to go try them on. i sat outside the dressing room waiting for him. he walked out in the first outfit it's was a sweater over a white shirt and some black pants. "ooo i love the sweater you look cute." i said making a heart with my hands and smiling. he blushed and chuckled. "ok i'll get this one." he said. "ok go try the other ones!" i told him and he went back into the dressing room. he walked out in the next outfit and i choked on my spit when he walked out. he was wearing black dress pants and a black button up shirt but he left the top buttons open. i basically had heart eyes. " you look hot." i said. he laughed. " no like seriously you look hot hot like burning." i said looking at his exposed chest. he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. i blushed at the closeness. "you really like this outfit don't you?" he asked in a very sexy tone. (bro i'm cringing at my own writing) i looked down because my face was so red and nodded my head. he lifted up my chin with his finger and looked me in my eyes. "then i'll get it just for you." he said and kissed me. he went back into the dressing room and i just stood there thing about what just happened. i sat down and giggled to my self. 'how did i get the gorgeous man as my boyfriend.' i thought.

after ryan was done trying on all the outfits we ended up only choosing 5. we were walking to the register and ryan said to me. "you know you don't have to do this." he said. "but since i took all your clothes what are you gonna wear?" i asked him. "well at least let me pay." he said. "no can do sir i'm paying." i said. he just chuckled and shook his head. we went to go pay and the lady at the register was around are age. "this gonna be all." she said looking at ryan with heart eyes. he seemed uncomfortable. "uh yeah." he said and wrapped a arm around my waist to give the lady a hint. she saw and just gave me a disgusted look. while she was ringing up the items she kept looking at ryan so he just came closer to me. "ok your total is gonna be $85.37." she said putting her hand out in front of ryan for his card. "um actually im paying." i said and handed her my cards "oh." she said and snatched the card from my hand. she swiped the card then basically threw it at me. i was baffled. "should you like a reseat?" she said giving puppy eyes to ryan. "uh yeah." he said looking at me trying to give her another hint. she wrote her number on the reseat with hearts and handed it to ryan. "here you go." she said. ryan saw the number on it and just ripped the reseat and gave it back to the lady. "if you didn't notice i have a girlfriend and i did not like the way you treated her." he said then grabbed my hand and walked away.

"i cant believe she talked to you like that." ryan said while we were walking to the food court. "like she was not picking up on any of the hints i was giving her." he said. i just laughed. "well i'm gonna have to get used to this because i have such a handsome boyfriend." i said pinching his cheek. we made it to the food court and it was packed. i stated to get really anxious because ever since what happened at prom. i gripped ryan's hand and gave him a 'can we leave' look. "it's ok we can go some where else." he said then kissing my forehead. we walked around the mall some more and then i saw a store. " can we go to build a bear please pretty please!" i said while pointing at it and tugging on his hand. "ok ok we can go." he said. i let got off his hand and ran into the store. i went up to the bears and they were so cute. "ryan ryan can we get one!" i asked him with a pouty face. a blush showed on his face and he looked away. "y-yeah sure." he said. "yay thank you!" i said then hugged him. i grabbed the bear i wanted and went to the fluff machine. while i was waiting for it to be fluffed ryan walked away to do something. i was to busy watching them stuff the best that i didn't see where he went. he came back soon with one of those little voice recording things for the bear. "could you put this in there?" he asked the worker. "yeah of course." they said. then we both kissed the heart band put it in the bear.

when my bear was done i grabbed it and and gave it a big hug. when i hugged it i accidentally pressed on the voice recording thing and i heard ryan's voice. "dear jade i just want to let you know that i love you so much and that i will always be by your side. i love you with all my heart and im so glad that i met you. if you ever miss me just hug this bear and listen to this. i love you mwuah." he said. when it stopped i had tears in my eyes and i looked at him. "i love you too." i said crying into his chest. i had one arm hugging the bear and one hugging ryan while i cried. he hugged me back and patted my back to comfort me. once i stopped crying and dried ryan shirt we went to pay for the bear. ryan paid for it this time. " thank you ryry." i said. "no problem baby i wanted to get you something that can remind you of me when you miss me." he said and kissed my forehead. i couldn't help but smile. "where's that mean looking tough fighting girl i new your such a softie now." he said. "boy i will kick your ass right now if i could." i said which shut him up because he knew i could.

after i dropped him off i went back home and i was so tired. i literally flopped down on my bed, cuddled the bear, then feel asleep.
i cant believe that i have the most caring boy friend in to world. and he's hot.

A/N: hello everyone sorry for not updating in a long long time but i hope you liked this chapter.

pic of ryan

pic of ryan

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