16. (fake)

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Fake ending**************

must've been a deadly kiss

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must've been a deadly kiss

The smell of burning incense coated the air as flowers that were meant to be wilted laid on the hard ground

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The smell of burning incense coated the air as flowers that were meant to be wilted laid on the hard ground.

It was summer, the time where students had their free time.

And in summer, Sanzu Haruchiyo always visited a specific monument whenever he had free time. He did it to feel the memories from the days of his third year high-school life.

He stared at the sky as air walked freely on his skin, not noticing a voice that had been calling for him for a while now.

"Papa! Papa!" a little girl tugged on his pants, he looked down to his daughter smiling at him.

"Hi, sweetheart. Where's mama?" Haruchiyo asked, earning a giggle from her as she pointed to a chair where his wife sat on.

Looking at her, he patted the little girl's hair, "Why don't you call her for me?"

"Alrighty!" she chirped as she went over to you.

"Mama! Papa is calling you!" the girl yelled out to her mother, who was reading a magazine she had just bought hours earlier.

You looked up to see your daughter, Hiyori, yelling out for you.

Smiling, you stood up from your chair and lifted her up as she giggled excitedly. Your heels clicked as you walked towards your husband, who was still in front of a specific momentum.

Haruchiyo stared at you with a blank face, "Hi, wife."

"Hello, Haruchiyo." you giggled at the random nickname he gave you, putting down your daughter.

Gazing at Haruchiyo lovingly, he stared back with beautiful ones. Everyday, you felt extremely special that you were the one he chose to marry.

You reached for his face and let your hand travel every contour of it. Your eyes lingered on every line, corner and crevace fully knowing how each of them ache for another.

As you summoned all strenght to let go, a tear fell and you smiled bitterly knowing full well that he'd be much happier, if you were y/n l/n.

[ 3RD POV ]

"Kazumi? Is something wrong?" Haruchiyo asked in concern as their daughter held her hand.

"Mama?" Hiyori drew circles on her mother's hand for comfort.

She looked at her husband and child, smiling as she wiped the tear that slipped out of her eye. Slapping herself internally, she picked up her child once more as she looked at Haruchiyo.

Chuckling, she turned around to walk, "It's nothing! Just remembered something, we'll be in the car 'til you get back."

Her child whined, "Mama no! I want to talk to y/n-san a bit longer please!"

Kazumi looked at her child with dull eyes, but covered it up with a close eyed smile, "I see," she gave Hiyori to her husband, "I'll be waiting in the car."

"Even my own child adores you more than me." Kazumi mumbled, low enough so they wouldn't hear.

After she left, the father and daughter was left in front of the memorial that had the name 'l/n y/n' carved on it.

Haruchiyo let his daughter stand up on her own as he stared at the grave of the woman he once loved, and maybe, just maybe, still loved until now.

She died the day they were supposed to be lovers.

They confessed their love, they told each other their feelings, but somehow, she died just moments after that.

Her heart gave up on her.

He'd bring her back, at any cost, if there was a chance the heavens could brings her back even if the incident happened a decade ago, then he would take it.

The man remembered that day vividly, how could he forget?

Sanzu Haruchiyo remembered how much he wanted to see her that day after not seeing her face for a short period of time, and he did see her, but then lost her for a lifetime shortly after.

Sanzu Haruchiyo remembered how she woke up and looked at him for the last time before the heartbeat monitor beside her gave a long beep.

Sanzu Haruchiyo remembered how painful his cries were, harshly knocking on the universe's door to bring her back to him.

Sanzu Haruchiyo remembered how the love of his life left him that day.

A tear threatened to fall out of his eye, but he knew he couldn't cry for y/n l/n anymore, he already drained out every tear in his body for her in the past decade.

Until now, he missed her.

Kazumi was the woman who comforted him on those days, and now she was his wife.

Hiyori was the angel gifted to him by the heavens, he didn't regret anything he did in his life because of her.

No, that was a lie.

He regretted so many things, he regretted not confessing earlier, maybe you could've still been lovers for a short amount of time, maybe he could've approached a different way, not by fake dating.

Kazumi helped him through a hard time, now he had to listen to her cry in the middle of the night whenever she thought he was asleep.

He wasn't clueless, he knew she was insecure since she always thought that her husband loved y/n so much more than her.

And maybe that was true.

That woman, y/n l/n, was the love of his life, so how could he not love her more than anyone?

In the end, they were enemies, turned to pretend lovers.

This story could never be labeled as enemies to lovers, simply because the main characters' love story became tragic when they were about to become lovers.

Highschool was never interesting for him, until he met you.

End of Fake Love.

a/n: surprise haha, thank you to the person who wished for a sad ending<3 and Haruchiyo's wife is the girl who said "sanzu-san pick me instead!" that yall hated on in the comment section HAHAHA

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a/n: surprise haha, thank you to the person who wished for a sad ending<3 and Haruchiyo's wife is the girl who said "sanzu-san pick me instead!" that yall hated on in the comment section HAHAHA

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