He finds out you're depressed

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Warning could be triggering!
(Y/n) POV
I was sitting in my bed just staring at the wall. I haven't moved from my bed all day unless I had to go to the bathroom. The reason I haven't moved is because my depression has gotten worse. All I think about now a days is ending my life. I know I shouldn't think like that but... I do. Brooklyn doesn't know and I don't plan for him to. I haven't talked to him since my depression got REALLY bad. Which was about 2 weeks ago. He has tried contacting me but I just ignore him. He has also tried coming over but I just tell my mom to tell him that I'm doing homework or not here. The reason I have been so depressed lately is because of hate. I get some on social media for dating Brooklyn. But I also get bullied at school. My 3 best friends have told the bullies to stop but they don't listen. Everyone calls me fat, ugly, worthless, slut. They also tell me that I'm not good for Brooklyn or that I'm too ugly to be with him. My phone kept buzzing beside me, I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Brooklyn. I decided to ignore it. My phone went off again and saw that it was a notification from Instagram. I opened it and saw a whole bunch of hate.
'Ugly slut'
'Why don't you go kill your self, no one would miss you'
'Why is Brooklyn even with you, you're so ugly and fat'
'Worthless bitch'
I had tears streaming down my face. I threw my phone at my wall causing the screen to shatter. At that moment I knew that I couldn't do this. That I couldn't live anymore. I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom. I didn't bother to lock it. I went up to my mirror and opened the cabinet. I found my big bottle of antidepressants. I tried opening the bottle but I couldn't. I was sobbing from frustration that I couldn't get the bottle to open. I finally got the bottle to open. I dumped a hand full in my hand. I started to swallow them. By the time I was done I felt dizzy, I was seeing black spots. All of a sudden j heard a gasp. With the energy I had left I looked up and standing there was Brooklyn. Then darkness over came me.

Brooklyn's POV
I was on the phone trying to call (Y/n) I haven't spoken to her in 2 weeks. I was scared, scared that she realized that she didn't love me so she's just ignoring me. After it went to voice mail I decided I would go over to her house. I went down stairs to find my mom or dad. I ended up finding my dad.
"Hey dad do you think you could drive me to (y/n's) ?"
"Sure. Are going to try talking to her again?"
"Yeah but this time not leaving until I talk to her"
"Ok just don't push your self if she wants to talk then she will talk"
"I know." We finally got there I got up and went up to the door and rang the door bell. No one answered. After a couple times of ringing the door bell I found the spare key in the plant pot. I unlocked the door and went inside. I went upstairs to her room. I knocked after no one answered I let myself in. I walked around. I went up to the bathroom door and opened it without knocking. It shocked me on what I saw. There sat my girlfriend with pills all around her. I could tell that she has taken a lot of them. All of a sudden her eyes closed and she started to fall. I quickly caught her. I pulled out my phone with shaky hands. I dialed 911 (the police here in America I don't know the other numbers for other countries)
"Hello 911 what is your emergency?" Asked the operator.
"M-my girlfriend took a whole bunch of pills." I said my voice cracking.
"Is she responsive?"
"No." After that I gave her the address and told her to hurry then hung up. I sat there with my girlfriend in my arms sobbing. I prayed that she would be okay. I also hoped that the police would hurry because I knew that every passing moment she could be dying. Not long later the paramedics came and took her. They let me ride with her. We got to the hospital and they rushed her in. I was told that I couldn't go with and that I had to wait in the waiting room. I called (y/n's) parents and my parents. Her parents had ended up leaving for a vacation the night before so they could only get on the earliest flight which was tomorrow. My parents were on there way. When they finally got here I was still a sobbing mess. My mom came up to and just hugged me jetting cry in her shoulder while she whispered in my ear that she would be okay. After a while a doctor came out.
"Hi you must be here for (Y/n) (Y/l/n)"
"Yes we are." My dad replied.
"Well she is doing good. If you ended up finding her any later she cod have not made it."
"Can I go and see her?"
"Of course." I got up while my family remained seated.
"Aren't you guys coming?"
"You go. We'll be there in a little bit." My mom said.
I got up and made my way to her room. When I got there I saw that she was awake.

(Y/n) POV
I was laying in the hospital bed when Brooklyn walked it. His hair was in all directions from him running his fingers threw it. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. He walked up to the bed and sat down in the chair next to it.
"Why." Was all he said.
"I wasn't happy. I got made fun of all the time. They kept telling me that I wasn't good enough for you. They told me that I was fat and ugly. I just couldn't talk it anymore." I said with tears streaming down my face.
"There liars (y/n) don't you see that? You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are not fat. And you are good for me it more like I'm not good enough for you. Please if you are feeling like this talk to me. Don't shut me out. I'm just glad I found you when I did or else you would have died."
"I promise I won't shut you out from know on."
"I love you baby girl" He said giving me a soft smile.
"I love you too babe. Thank you so much for saving me."
He just smiled and leaned forward and gave me a passionate kiss.
Hey guys I hoped you liked it. Please if you are ever feeling like this you can always talk to me. I actually lost a good friend 2 weeks ago from suicide. He seemed so happy and it just sucks to know that he felt dying would be the best option. But I know he is in a better place. #RIPAlex
I actually was planning to write this a week ago but I was still dealing with the death so every time I tried writing I would just start balling. But yeah hope you guys like it. And you can ALWAYS talk to me!

-Hailey ❤️

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