He says he doesn't love you Part 2

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(A/N: hey guys I'm back! I missed you guys! How are you? So anyway this outfit I got of an Instagram account about fashion that I am OBSESSED with! If you want the username just comment and I will tell you. So any ways to the story.)
I ran and ran. After about 3 hours of just walking and running I finally found a motel that I was able to stay at. I found my room, I set my bags down and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
Skip to 4 days later
It's been 4 days since everything happened. And let me tell I miss Brooklyn so much, but now matter how much I tell myself that I shouldn't for some reason I still do. I got up and took a shower I decided that I would get out of this crapy motel room and go explore the city. So I got in the shower. After I was done I blow dryer my hair and then curled it. I put on some make up. Then a comfortable outfit. After that I got my motel key and locked the door. I started to walk around the city and just looked at all the little boutiques they had. When I saw a park across the street. I was just looking around the park when I found a big oak tree and decided to sit under it.

Brooklyn's POV

I hate myself so much right know! I made my girlfriend, well ex girlfriend know, leave all because I was confused about my feelings. It hurt to know that I was the reason that she was gone that I would probably never see her again. I decided to get out of bed since I haven't been out of my room since we found out that y/n left. I went downstairs. I could see my family talking in the kitchen. They heard me and they all looked up with a supposed expression on their faces.
"Oh, Brooklyn honey, how are you?" Asked my mom.
"Okay" I just simply said.
"Well um we were all going to drive around and see if we can find y/n." Said my dad.
"What's the point we have looked everywhere! We're never going to find her! And if we did find her she wouldn't want to come back anyway!" I yelled while tears were streaming down my face.
"Oh honey." My mom coed at me while giving me a hug. I sobbed into her shoulder.
"It's all my fault that she's gone!" I sobbed.
"No it's not. You were just confused that's all." My min said trying to comfort me. Come on go get changed and you can come with us to go look for her." My mom said.
"Ok give me about 20 minutes to shower and get dressed."
"Okay we will be waiting in the living room." My dad said. I got in the shower. After I was done I put on a plain white tee shirt in with some black Jean pants. I dried my hair then put a SnapBack on since I didn't want to waist time on doing my hair. After I was done I ran down stairs.
"Okay let's go!" I said out of breath.
"Woah slow down there." My dad said.
"Sorry I just really want to find her." I replied.
"We all do. Know come one." Romeo said pulling on my hand. We got into the car and just drove around then we came across a city and decided to get out of the car and look by foot. I was walking around when I came across a park. I was walk if around bf the park looking for her to see if she was here, since she always likes to go to the park since it was relaxing. I was just waking around when all of a sudden I saw her sitting under a tree. Y/n. She was just sitting there with her eyes closed. I didn't know what to do I just stood there frozen until I started to move my feet. I started to walk closer when all of a sudden she looked up and looked me straight in the eyes.

Y/n's POV

I was just sitting under the tree with my eyes closed just taking in the peace and quite. I was sitting there when all of a sudden I heard foot steps. I opened my eyes when all of a sudden I saw. Brooklyn. He looked me dead in the eyes. I quickly got up and was getting ready to walk away. When he caught ahold of my arm.

"Y/n please don't run." Brooklyn said with pleading eyes. I just looked at him not knowing what to do.

"You have 5 minutes."

"When I said that I didn't love you, at the time I thought I didn't. But after you left I realized that I did love you and I never stopped. I don't know why I even thought that I didn't. And when I found out that you left I was so scared. I didn't know where you went or if you were okay. And what I'm trying to say is that please come home." Brooklyn said with tears running down his face.

"I don't know Brooklyn what if I do go back and then you realize that you actually don't love me. What if we break up again. I don't think I will be able to take the pain again."

"I know. But I can promise that nothing will happen because I. Love. You!" Brooklyn said killing me in the eyes.

"You promise that if I go home you will still love me?"

"I promise baby. I will ALWAYS love you!" Brooklyn leaned in and placed his lips onto mine. He kissed me with so much passion that I thought I was going to pass out. Wen pulled away out of breathe.

"I love you baby" Brooklyn whispered.

"I love you too"

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER but I've been really busy with school and a lot of drama lately but I will try and update quicker.

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