chapter forty three.

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"Thanks for picking me up from the airport, Sav." I smiled as I looked over at Mallory's best friend, who was driving us down a side street.

"Of course." Savannah replied. "I still can't believe you were able to make it. Mal's gonna be so happy." She commented as she pulled along the curb in front of a decent sized house, which I presumed to be my girlfriend's.

That was all I wanted to do, was make Mallory happy.

And I knew it would make Mal happy if I attended her graduation. This was a huge milestone and I wanted to be apart of it just as much as she wanted me to be. Luckily, my sister's graduation was the day before and I was able to celebrate with both of the important women in my life. 

It was a last minute decision for me to fly to Philly for Mal's graduation and since I knew Savannah was attending the commencement, I had messaged her for all the details. I was able to book a flight first thing this morning, and Savannah was able to pick me up from the airport before she headed over to Mallory's house. It all worked out perfectly, until I thought of something...

"Do you know if she told her dad about us yet?" I asked, remembering that in just a few short hours, I would possibly be meeting Mal's dad. 

"I think she did, actually." Savannah told me. "She mentioned something the other day about talking to her dad."

"Really?" I questioned, unaware of that discussion. I figured Mal would've told me about the conversation with her dad, since I knew she was worried about it. 

"I'm pretty sure." She nodded as she took off her seatbelt.

I followed her action, and we both exited the car. I grabbed my suitcase from the trunk before I trailed behind Savannah up the walkway to my girlfriend's house. The closer we approached the house, the more nervous I suddenly felt. This was going to be the first time I'd be meeting her family. Was this going to be a good first impression? 

Savannah knocked on the front door and turned to look at me, her eyes widened as she smiled to show her excitement. After a few seconds, the black door swung open and I immediately recognized Mallory's mom.

"Oh my gosh," Her mom gasped when she realized I was with Savannah. "Drew! Oh, honey, it is so nice to finally meet you!" She gushed as she engulfed me into a hug, which I gladly accepted.

"It's a pleasure, Ms. Callahan." I told her, feeling relieved that she was so welcoming that I was here. Mallory's parents were divorced as well, and I remembered Mal mentioning to me that her mom went by her maiden name. I just hoped I remembered her maiden name correctly.

"I thought you weren't able to make it?" Ms. Callahan questioned as we pulled away from the hug.

"It was a very last minute decision." I answered. "My sister's graduation was yesterday and I assumed my family had more plans to celebrate her this weekend, but they insisted I came here instead. So, I didn't think twice before booking the first flight out of North Carolina this morning."

"I'm so glad to hear that." Ms. Callahan smiled before she looked over at Savannah. "My sweet Savannah." She said as she now hugged the brunette haired girl. "I'm so glad you both could be here for Mal's special day. She has worked so hard to get here and she did it. She finally did it." The two women pulled away from the hug and Ms. Callahan patted Savannah on the shoulder.

"I'm so proud of her." I told Mal's mom. "I mean, I was able to work with her in Charleston and I saw first hand how hardworking she is and how passionate she is about what she loves. She's gonna go places some day, I know she is."

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