Yoongi flicked a glance at his men, feeling pride swell his heart. He and his Boys were decked out in their best: all in black, Kevlar vests under their clothes, strapped with blades and firearms in every conceivable place. Each of the Inner Circle led a team of nine men, save for Taehyung.
The hacker was up on the rooftop of the warehouse across the street with four other snipers, handling Overwatch. Tae lay prone on the building's roof, the butt of his Barrett M82 snug against his shoulder. He watched the Boss through the scope, giving Suga a thumbs-up as the man's gaze flicked up to him. He saw Suga smirk and wink through the scope before Yoongi turned away.
Suga licked his lips, standing on the left side of the warehouse's side door, meeting the eyes of each of his men; Inner Circle and regulars alike. "Okay, Boys. You know the plan. We enter hard, kill every Black Rose we can find, ruin this fucking wedding, and get Kitten back. Ready?"
He saw his men check their gear, tighten straps, check the sharpness of blades and the safeties on their sidearms. He waited until he received nods from everyone, his heart in his throat. Suga's dark eyes flicked to the abandoned fishery's door and made a motion to the regular standing beside him.
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The guy stalked up, placing det-cord over the door's lock and held up five fingers, counting down. At 3, everyone turned their backs to the door, and a muffled bang sounded, blasting the entire locking mechanism entirely off of the door.
"Go!" Suga snapped, and his men streamed into the warehouse. He placed a hand on Jungkook's broad shoulder in front of him, felt Hobi's hand close over his own shoulder, and they entered the building. Teams of two peeled off at each doorway and intersection, clearing each room one by one. His earpiece crackled, and Suga tapped it. "Report."
"First floor clear, Boss," Jimin said.
"Good. Move up. Take the north-side stairs, we'll take the west. Go."
His men streamed through the building like a plague of locusts, devouring everything in their path. Silenced gunshots rang out as they neared the second floor landing, followed by muffled screams. Suga grinned as Jungkook sprinted through the door leading to the second floor, ready to dive into the fray. Yoongi hung back by the stairs as his men systematically killed any Black Rose they came across. "Boss?"
"Report, Hobi."
"Second floor clear. She's gotta be up on the third."