chapter 2

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Hi guys welcome back to epic bell and I hope you guys enjoy this series and follow me here on Wattpad and let's get started.

zald:my name is zald kid.

alfia:and I'm alfia your"A VAIN POP ON HER HEAD"Auntie and if you call me that I'll hit you alright.


Bell is shock because he thought he had no more family left than him and his grandfather.

Zues: alright since we finished the instruction zald,alfia we need to talk about something and bell you can do whatever you want again and bring some girls when you came bac-.

Bell already left the house as soon as zues told bell he can do whatever he wants.

Zues:"sigh"he never listen to my advices he all ways teleport away.

Sad old pervert noises and then he felt a murderous aura and when he turn around he saw that alfia was the one who had that aura.

Zues:h-hey mommy-i mean alfia dear.

Alfia:zues what were you going to say to bell.

Zues:"gulp"i-i-i nothing....

Zald: rest and piece old man.

Zald then prayed for zues safety.


A beating later.

Zues:ouch-well first let's talk about bell and how he can teleport.

Zald:oh yeah I forget to ask about that.

Alfia:oh yeah how can he do that you didn't gave him a falna did you.

Zues: of course I didn't.

Both alfia and zald were shock when they heard that bell didn't have a falna.

Alfia:wait how did he teleport then.

Zues:well I'll explain.

After zues explain it to the two of them.

Zald and Alfia"shock"

Zues:yeah I know I was shock to when I heard that.

Alfia:so that's the reason he can teleport.

Zald:that skeleton game him some kind of power that you never heard before also what other abilities does he have.

Zues:well he can summon bones.

Alfia:like a dungeon floor usdaus(is that it's name idk).

Zues:he can summon a dragon head that can shoot a beam.

Zald:like a dragon that shoots fire.

Zues:he also have telekinesis.

Alfia:telekinesis huh.

Zues:he also have a pocket dimension(that is just a abilitie that I add to bell alright so don't attack me saying epic sans doesn't have pocket dimension).

Zald:pocket dimension to this kid is overpowered.

Alfia:I agree he's to overpowered and also can he control his power.

Zues:well yes with perfection tho he said that he has more tricks at his sleeve.


Alfia:then should we test him of how strong he is?.

Zues:sure I wanna see how he goes against you both.

Alfia:who said I'm going to do it.

Zald and zues:hmmm.

Alfia:zald is the one who is going to test him.

Zues:okay then you alright with that zald.

Zald:sure I'm fine with it and I'm also curious how powerful this kid is.

Zues: alright then it's dicided let's go to him.

A few minutes later

They found bell on a three sleeping.

Zues:bell wake up. what do you want.

As bell ask as he jumped of the tree.

Zues:were going to test your power bell were going to see how powerful you are.

Bell:eh! Alright then who am I fighting with.

Alfia: you'll be fighting zald.

Bell:hai lady alfia.

Zald and zues:lady alfia?.

Bell:I mean lady alfia doesn't look old enough to be called auntie so I'll call her lady alfia.

Alfia:lady...alfia...doesn't sound bad alright I'll allow you to call me that.

Alfia smiled a little both zues and zald were shock that alfia smiled.

After they got ready

Alfia:alright are you two ready!.

Zald and bell:hai!.

Alfia:then battle start!.

After alfia said that bell summon some bones to attack zald and zald just cut it in half then bell teleported behind zald and tried to kick him which surprised zald but zald block it with his long sword but managed to make him stumbled a bit which surprised him.

Zald:your kick was strong kid you managed to make me stumble.

Bell:heh Thanx bruh.

Bell then rushed to zald and summon a bone that looks like a sword as they both clash swords with each other and then both jump back and then traded blows again and then zald push bell back with his physical strength and then he slash his sword at bell dodges but he got a small cut on his cheek.

Bell:you managed to get me a small cut in my cheek then I'll show you one of my tricks.

Zald,zues and Alfia got surprised at what he said and then a sword materialized in his hand.

Zald,zues and Alfia got surprised at what he said and then a sword materialized in his hand

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Bell then said.

Bell: meet my sword SWORD OF DARKNESS.

Bell then rushed to zald then he did a mana slash zald got surprised but he manage to dodge it in time then he smirk and also rushed to bell clashing swords then bell said.

Bell: let's finish this.

Zald:yes we should.

Bell then charge hi full mana strike that will leave him mind zero for Shure and also zald loaded his to to full power and then they both launch it and then it collide then it cause a explosion so big that it destroyed half of the forest they were fighting at yes they were at a forest fighting and then the area was full of smokes.

Zues:who won.

Alfia:idk there is to much smoke-! Ah there is someone standing!!.

Zues:!?who is it!.


Cliffhanger baby haha who do you think won was it bell or was it zald? Welp find out in the next chapter bye see ya in the next chapter.

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