Chapter 1: Memories and New Friends

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I am plain, with straight dark hair and deep blue eyes like all of Lord Elrond's kin. My sister, Arwen Undomiel is the one who is considered truly beautiful. She has a certain aura of calmness and serenity about her whilst I remain childish and strong-willed. My father blames Uncle Elros. And I, Ardien Thalionúmë will never be like my sister.
When Arwen and I were young about, hmm 50 or so, Glorfindel rode in on his steed carrying a little boy, claiming the boy was a descendant of Isildur. My father housed the boy and he became my "step-brother", Elessar, although him and Arwen both harbour a not-so-secret love for each other and not just as siblings. You see, I possess the "gift" of foresight which is something I inherited from my grandmother, Lady Galadriel. Arwen has always been jealous of my power although she does not know the repercussions, she thinks I am too foolish to understand my capabilities. Hah, more like she doesn't know how to enjoy herself! Now onto the story.

I ran through the halls of The Last Homely House, screaming and laughing at the same moment. I found myself stuck at a dead end with a balcony over looking one end of the Brunien River. And though I was known for being reckless, I had never done something like this before. If I survived, Arwen, Father and Elladan would all have my head as well as Glorfindel, Erestor and about every other old, grouchy elf I could think of. Elrohir and I would laugh and chatter about it long into the night, imitating and mocking all who annoyed us. However I froze when all became silent and loud, clattering hooves galloped at full tilt into the courtyard and I spotted Glorfindel dismounting his horse, carrying a small bundle and I collapsed to the ground, engaged in some distant memory.


I laughed loudly, my high soprano voice going beyond human limits with giggles as I ran through the gardens with my brothers chasing me, pretending to be thundering horses. After they had caught me, my giggles quieted down until all was silent. Not even the birds dared to sing their song. Glorfindel rode into the barren courtyard, a young man seated in front of him in the saddle, looking very worn. Glorfindel rushed the boy into the house, and we stood still as stone and began to whisper about what we had just witnessed.

*End of Flashback*

I opened my eyes to see two large, doe-like green eyes filled with curiosity hovering just above my face and then I felt as though a weight was sitting in my stomach and chest. This creature was sitting on me! I jerked up into a sitting position, sending the humanoid tumbling down to the foot of the bed and realized that I was in the Healing Wing. I looked around and saw another small humanoid creature standing around the bed and two men standing next to the bed, one grubby and covered in fungi and the other dressed entirely in grey. The two men, I realized were the Wizards Radagast and Gandalf. I opened my mouth to speak but Radagast started speaking, "They are Hobbits, my dear Elleth." His voice creaked, like wood. It was soothing. "Am I able to leave this bed?" I asked, my voice hoarse from not being used. "You may not want to yet." A twinkle shone in Gandalf's eyes as he spoke, prompting me to look beneath the opaque sheets. I blushed nervously and quietly asked them to leave for a moment. They agreed, taking the Hobbits with them. I stood from the bed and stretched my limbs, hearing the joints crack as I made my way to a silvery coloured dress, taking my dear sweet time as I tied up the corset and slid the smooth material over my head. I cringed at the thought of not being able to run in a dress and slipped on some thin trousers underneath the dress just in case. I chose to remain barefoot. I walked smoothly towards the large archway and drew back the thin curtains that were drifting in the gentle wind in front of the archway, tying them back with a small amount of Elvish rope. I sighed, I longed to be out running with my brothers but alas, they were doing something for Father. The Hobbits returned without the Wizards and began to question me rapidly, "Who are you?" "What's your name?" Where do you come from?" "Where do you come from?" "I just asked that, Pip!" "Oh, sorry Merry!" I interrupted their blossoming argument by laughing merrily at their bickering. They both turned to stare at me like I was an Orc. "We've never 'eard an Elf laugh like tha'!" The Hobbit with sandy blonde hair exclaimed. The slightly taller one with brown hair shushed him, "Pip, I do believe it's time for our introduction." He whispered. 'Pip' nodded and shuffled over to the other side of the taller Hobbit. They bowed in sync, "Peregrin Took of... The Shire and Meriadoc Brandybuck of Buckland at your service. But you can call us Merry and Pippin!" They grinned. "Ardien Thalionúmë at yours." I curtsied politely. A dark haired Hobbit supported by another sandy haired Hobbit toddled into the room. The sandy haired Hobbit gasped, "It's another real live Elf, Mr. Frodo!" He crowed and 'Mr. Frodo' chuckled quietly. Merry and Pippin ran over to the other Hobbits and were whispering profusely. I tuned them out to respect their privacy. "Pleasure to meet you Miss. Ardien Tha-tha... Pleasure to meet you Miss. Ardien!" The sandy haired Hobbit grinned. "I'm Samwise Gamgee but you can call me Sam and this is Mr. Frodo Baggins."

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