Healing Wing Once More

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I slowly peeled my eyes open, closing them because of the sudden light. I was in the Healing Wing... Again but someone had opened the drapes, letting the light filter in through the window. I was bandaged almost head to toe and felt horrible. I stood, almost falling over and quickly laid back down. "Father?" I called and Merry, Pippin, Sam and Frodo all came rushing into the room. "You're not my Father." I chuckled, stopping when it hurt, making me sound like a dying donkey. The Hobbits all laughed, "We're just glad you're awake. Elrond said you might not wake up." Pippin said cheerfully. I was taken a back, "Might not wake up? I could have died?!" I exclaimed, the Hobbits flinching away from me. "All because of that bastard Aragorn." "Now now, Ardien, he was very drunk at the time, 'm sure you can forgive 'im." Pippin spoke softly, calming me. "I am no normal Elf, dearest Pippin. I could only forgive him once he died if I so wished to. I will forgive him once he apologizes to me." I knew that Aragorn would never apologize, he was too proud. Pippin nodded, satisfied and not knowing Aragorn very well, when my father and Arwen walked briskly to my bedside, shooing the Hobbits out as they went, much to their discontent. Arwen fussed over my bandages, getting new ones and replacing the old ones while my father was speaking to me about the Council. "So, I have heard tell that you want to attend the Council of the One Ring. Normally, I would not let any of my daughters attend but you have shown exceptional courage lately." I blushed profusely. "Therefore you will be attending the Council but will only speak when spoken to, do you understand me Ardien?" "Of course, Ada." I coughed. "Arwen, give her the remedy." Father spoke surely. Arwen nodded, and handed me a foul smelling concoction that looked like it had gone to Mordor and back. I grimaced and tipped back the drink into my mouth. The remedy made me cough and wheeze but instilled a warmth and strength I had not felt prior to drinking the medicine. Arwen peeled back the fresh bandages, revealing that they were mostly scabbed over. "Three of your ribs are still broken, but you have no more need of the bandages which will make it seem as though you have almost recovered." My father explained. "If you are attending the Council, you should not seem weak in the least." He smiled at me and I smiled in return. The sentiment of the gesture was nice, but he had seemed so... Broken after Mother left for Valinor. He often complimented us by saying we looked exactly like Celebrìan which we took politely. I had barely ever met my mother but Arwen had had more time with her. I had heard that her features were much like mine and that Arwen had inherited my father's looks although her hair was said to be a waterfall of golden locks, which none of my siblings or I inherited. I shook the thought from my mind, "Ada, when is the Council?" "Tomorrow, dearest Ardien. At mid-day." I nodded curtly, swallowing heavily, nerves racking my body. Arwen and Father left and Rohi entered with the Hobbits who scurried about like mice, making me laugh but who grinned at me mischievously. They placed a neat bed tray onto my lap that held enough food to feed 12 Elves. I gasped in shock, "O! Thank you dear Hobbits! How kind!" Rohi chuckled at my false attempt at disguising my utter surprise. I shooed them out of the room, saying that I would tell them how good it was later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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