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The fluorescent white light strang into your eyes, as each flicker sent a sharp pain through your head, your eyes not making up their mind. They couldn't decide whether to stay awake or to stay shut.

You tried to reach out beside you, but your arms felt numb and numb and buzzy as if there were millions of bees swearing underneath your skin.

You forced your eyes opened slowly as they shut back to the bright light but you forced them to adjust you forced them to listen to you. The clean tiles were bland, white, old, as the purple curtain was the next thing you saw, all you could do was see, see a blurry vision of what. Your ears wouldn't let you hear as they felt clouded, filled as if the sound was impossible.

You tried to speak, but your lips felt sewed shut, your voice was heavy as stone, as your eyes traced around, only to land next to you, in the empty place Edward wasn't.

Edward wasn't there.

You had woken up and he wasn't by your side, he wasn't there with his grin kissing you good morning, his cold touch of comfort was nowhere to be found.

You tried to move as you tried to scream out with him but nothing came out as you felt as though something was jammed in your throat.

You fought but your whole body still felt numb, all you knew was you were alone, and Edward was nowhere, it was all unnatural, unusual as if something had happened, that you needed to escape.

But your eyes fought again this sense of heaviness taking over as if a weight was trying to glue them shut forever, and yet they did, the blackness coming as if maybe it would give you answers.

"That's 1.77245385091." His smooth voice rolled over to you as he spun over in the rolly chair, your eyes barely even looking down at the equation.

"Why are you giving me the square root of pi?" You wondered as you pointed the tip of your pencil towards him.

"Because that's the answer to that." He pointed down ta the next equation that you hadn't even looked at.

"Wow, you can do my homework too." You pushed his chair away as he spun across the room, a peal of sweet laughter escaping his lips.

"What? I finished mine." Edward held his hands out as he sighed, his books were all closed on your desk now.

"Oh what, so now you are bored?" you joked as you scribbled down the number he had given you.

"Actually yeah." You felt his chilly touch wrap around your waist from behind as he hugged you, his warm breath on the back of your neck. "And well, you see you can't pay anyone else any attention." He whispered into your ear as you threw your pencil down.

"Oh, why? Because I can only give you all my possible attention?" You teased him as you shoved him away, as you heard the wheels of the chair roll against the hardwood of your bedroom.

"Exactly, not even homework." He came back n an instant as you finally turned around to face him.

"Not even homework?" You crossed your arms over your chest as his face drew closer to you.

"Nope, not a single equation, or word, all your attention on me." his voice fell into a hiss as he drew in closer.

"You are very controlling." You teased him with a slight grin.

"Because all I want is you, do you understand?"

"Of course I do." You kissed him on the cheek before you turned back to your homework, and you could hear him sigh from the other side of the room.

Edward Cullen x Reader~𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒔Where stories live. Discover now