Chapter I: Welcome to CirCle!

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Yeah, I never expected to have any replies, but when I slept yesterday, some scenarios keep coming into me, making my mind go haywire with what I want to write. It includes a trip either to other countries, having sleepovers, having a roleplaying game, and many more. Anyway, with that being said, enjoy the first chapter of Y/N's Shenanigan!

In the Previous Chapter: Y/N's sudden outburst in a song made Kasumi go excited. She wants to learn more with the guitar with Y/N's skill and talent. 


Location: Empty Classroom (Y/N's POV)

We looked at each other with our noses almost touching. It's kind of making me nervous, you know? I mean, a cute girl staring at me in point-blank range. "Um, Ka-kasumi? You-you're kinda c-close to my f-face right now..." I said, while looking in a different direction. 

We didn't know, that there was someone staring at our whole shenanigans. "Kasumi?"

We heard a voice that belonged to a girl. Of course it was a girl. What did you expect? A guy? I'm the only guy in Hanasakigawa, at least in the time being. 

"Um..." I tried to say something, but Kasumi interrupted me.

"Ah, Matsubara-san! What's up?" Kasumi asked. This girl doesn't really know boundaries, does she? I also glanced at her, and her face was ready to explode. She's probably shy, or that my face is just that horrendous.

"Fueeee!" The girl who Kasumi called, "Matsubara", was avoiding my gaze, but was holding her gaze to Kasumi. I guess, she really doesn't like my guts, yes? "T-the teacher t-told m-me to g-get you t-two." She stuttered. I guess she's just outwardly shy.

"Ah, we'll be right there!" Kasumi said, which the Matsubara girl nodded and ran off. "Let's get going on, shall we Y/N?" she asked. She was getting the equipment that we borrowed from the music room.

"Hey, Kasumi?" I said, wanting to ask her something.

"Yeah?" She looked in my direction, waiting for me to speak.

"Well," I started, "I want to hide my talents from them. I'm not yet comfortable with people knowing what I can do with instruments." I honestly stated. It's not that I'm actually uncomfortable, it's just... I don't really know why. 

Kasumi stared at me for at least 10 seconds, who knows why, but she knew what I was actually asking. "Do you want me to lead the play?"

"If you don't mind." I shyly laughed. I feel embarrassed for some reason, but good thing she  agreed. If she didn't, I would've exposed who I really am: Just your normal cookie-cutter lonely protagonist. I mean, some people experience that as well, in an anime, called "In Real Life".

"Sure!" Kasumi was ready to go with the equipment in store, while I held the guitar that I had played.  "Let's go!"

"Right!" I fist bumped the air.


Location: Music Room (3rd POV)

Y/N and Kasumi went back to the music room, and was greeted with stares, with some girls eyeing out Y/N suspiciously after a certain shy girl had told what she saw. She forgot the time where Y/N had played so professionally that one would think that he practiced 25 hours a day. In reality, he had just practiced 5 hours per day, with a roulette determining what instrument he would have to practice with. 

"Sorry, we're late everyone!" Kasumi stated in the class. The teacher on the other hand just stared them nonchalantly. 

The teacher signaled them to sit. "You guys can take your sit. We're about to start."

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