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You guys have been so supportive of my stories, even though my updates have been few and far in the past couple of years. I am forever grateful for the support and appreciation you guys have shown my work.

After a lot of contemplation, I have decided to unpublish "ENCHANTED - A MANAN FF" for the time being. I started writing this in India Forums years back without any outlines or ideas as to how to make it a well-rounded story. And now that I read back from the beginning so that I could get back in the flow to update the upcoming chapters, it struck me that I have been simply running with loose-ended ideas that cropped up in my mind when I sit to write a chapter. And now that it's almost in its ¾ stage, I am finding it difficult to tie all the loose ends without making the much-anticipated climax a flop.

Right now, I have a clear picture of how I want the last ¼ th part of the story to be presented, but it doesn't tie well with how inconsistent and lacking the rest of the storyline is. I have been mentioning the idea of rewriting the ff in my author notes at the end of some chapters for a long time and now that I have a much clearer picture of the story, I am bringing it into action.

This version of the story would be available till 22nd January (Saturday) morning. I will start posting the updated version that day itself. 

I really hope you guys will be patient for some more time and I promise I won't disappear without giving further updates or information like before.

I will be posting future updates as a continuation of this same thread. I will unpublish the previous chapters and post the new ones as chapters after this announcement.

Thank you so much for waiting so long. I hope you guys will understand my decision. If you guys have any questions or doubts, leave a comment in my profile and I'll reply. If you guys want to share your thoughts or comments privately, you could send me a private message as well. I'll try my best to reply to everyone.


J J Moon (previous username bluebellAries)

P.S: The change in username and name in my profile is a part of me trying to bring everything back under control. I hope the changes don't create more confusion. 

P.P.S: I had made this announcement in my profile yesterday but wasn't sure if everyone saw it, so I am posting it here as well.

ENCHANTED - A MANAN FFWhere stories live. Discover now