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Just as the first guest arrived, Nyonika stood up from the couch where she had perched herself on a few minutes back and walked towards the door dragging her eyes around the decorations one last time to make sure everything was in order.

"Later," her voice firm as she ordered a waiter who was fumbling with a half-folded table cloth. Without any objections, he simply gave a curt nod, rolled up the semi-folded cloth, and walked back towards the stands where the food was being arranged.

Looking back at the arrangements one last time, she took a deep breath and opened the large doors with a wide smile.

"Mr & Mrs. Dhawan Welcome." Her voice overflowed with barely contained excitement.

"Oh, come on Nyonika, you are really going formal with us?" Mrs. Dhawan swatted the hosts' hands lightly, while her husband merely looked on in amusement.

"You guys are the first to arrive so I have to be on my best host behavior, Obviously!" Nyonika flicked her hair eliciting snorts from her guests.

"Yeah! As if we didn't meet a week back to gossip about our workaholic husbands" both the ladies giggles as Mr. Dhawan huffed.

"You both are ganging up on me because I am outnumbered," Mr. Dhawan walked towards the mini bar the caterer had set up, the women following him whispering silently, "Let Harsh join then we'll see who will out gossip who." He pretended to flip his hair, mocking Nyonika.

"Oh no! You misunderstand dear husband of mine, we don't doubt you both. You guys definitely get the gossip queen title," Mrs. Dhawan raised her hand for a hi-five which Nyonikagladly reciprocated, "we are merely fellow participants." Their laugh echoed in the hall. 

"Ganging on my friend so early," Harsh tutted as he walked towards them.

"Thank God you are here, these two are mere seconds away from making me call Cabir for help!" Mr. Dhawan exclaimed.

"We weren't that annoying!" Both the women exclaimed, flicking their hair and turning away from their respective husbands.

"Don't forget to call Cabir." Mr. Dhawan called out as the ladies left whispering to each other. A thumbs-up was all he got as a response.

"Cabir didn't arrive with you?" Harsh posed the question as he turned towards the bartender, "2 whiskeys on the ricks, please."

"No. He had to discuss some contracts with his lawyers" Mr. Dhawan took a seat alongside Harsh, as the other motioned for some savory snacks.

"Lawyers? Is everything okay?" Harshs' voice was high and clipped, his worry open to his friend.

"Don't get your blood pressure high," Mr. Dhawan smiled, he has known Harsh for around 25 years and he knew his friend cared for Cabir as if he is his son. "And yes everything is fine-" Mr. Dhawan turned to take the glasses the bartender slid towards them with thanks before passing one to Harsh. "He is meeting with potential investors, so he spends quite a lot of time with the lawyers to make sure everything is transparent enough."

"Kids these days," Harsh took a sip from his glass, "they think of everything and anything before doing anything," another sip, "reminds me of our teens when we were scrambling to build up our companies." He sighed, lost in the nostalgia.

"True. He checks up on so many things that I feel like my teen self was not even half as smart as him."

"Ah to hear such praises!" the sudden chirpy sound scared the duo that they let out an embarrassingly high-pitched scream.

"What the-?"


All the screaming just made Cabir laugh harder. "Oh my God! Never thought I'd see you both screaming like 4-year olds," he covered his mouth when another laugh threatened to slip past. He was already bent in on himself, his free hand holding on to his knees for support.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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