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An insistent knock woke her from the deep slumber she had been in. Dragging away the duvet from her head, she blindly searched for her phone on the bedside table.

5:00 pm light up as she picked up the phone. Blinking against the brightness of the phone screen she sighed before allowing her body to sit upon the bed.

"My head feels stuffed," she whined as her leg came in contact with the soft rug that filled the entirety of her room. Shuffling into the flip flops, she dragged her feet towards the door where someone was still knocking.

"One moment, I'm coming!" she called out as she rose on her toes to open the bolt.

"Nandu... What's taking so long?" someone cried in exaggerated indignity.

"Dhruv, you can wait for one minute, you won't melt like an ice cream or something," her voice was flat as she stared at the grinning boy standing on the other side of the half-opened door.

"Oh, come on! Give me a break I'm excited for today," his tone was chirpy, his body visibly bouncing as he tried to keep his happiness at bay.

"I know. I am happy for you," Nandini smiled at his excitement for the party, "but let me sleep." She dragged the word sleep like an unruly child asking for more toys in a store.

"But – but you have to attend the party" Dhruv pouted as he pushed open the door fully and skipped to the couch placed in the center of the room.

"You know how I feel about attending parties Dhruv!" She threw her hands out and stomped towards where he was lounging.

"Yeah, and I quote, 'I don't like being in between rich assholes who are looking for more opportunities to dig up even more money,'" he recited as he stood up, taking hold of her hands, "but this is not just some party. This is to celebrate my first award and I want you there."

"I know, but..." she pulled her hands away from his and swatted his shoulder. "Don't give me that look, mister, that's cheating" Nandini grumbled as she saw Dhruv taking out his puppy eyes. He knew she can't say no to it.

"Is it working though?" His voice was mischievous like he knew he had her there.

"Yes," Nandini agreed sullenly. She saw his smile getting wider. She would've kept aside her dislike of parties for today, but her head still feels like it was stuffed with cotton and she could feel the headache coming now that sleep has left her system. "But I really can't this time."

She felt herself deflate at how his face dropped. "But why?" She didn't want to answer that particular question knowing how worried everyone would get, but she didn't want to lie either. It would only make things unnecessarily complicated.

"I'm not feeling well. My head feels like it's filled with cotton and it has already started throbbing. I don't want to end up attending the party and then get everyone worried while engaging with the guests." She ruffled his hair lightly. As expected his excitement was replaced with worry as he palmed her forehead to see if she had a temperature.

Nandini plucked his hands away from her forehead and reassured him, "I don't have any temperature. I just need some rest and I'll be fine."

"At least let me take you to the doctor" as he noticed how her cheeks and nose were starting to turn red.

"Dhruv" her firm voice had an instant effect and he slumped knowing he wouldn't be able to convince her.

"Then come down. Mom would make you some soup and you can rest there with everyone for a while." Seeing as she was going to reject that idea as well, he took another turn, "that way everyone would be satisfied that you are well fed and took medicines and can host the party without too much concern."

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