Eye for an eye

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(This section is for those of you who didn't read the teaser, slight revision for this section)

P/N- Pet name

Jasper's P.O.V

"So.... you wish to find this girl...this Y/n?" I nodded silently, this room made me uncomfortable, this voice made my skin crawl, I've only ever heard legends about this man...this-this thing. The voice was silent for one minute, then two. My anxiety grew as I waited. My every nerve was on edge.

"And this your final wish, Major Whitlock?" I flinched slightly at the use of my human rank, I paused before Saying "Yes, Magister daemonium" my voice wavers just slightly, this was the only proof of my unease in the situation.

There was another long period of defining silence, suddenly I heard a voice in my ear murmuring "If I grant you this, you will owe me something in return Jasper....an eye for an eye-" a chill crawled down my spine as I answered, "Yes Magister daemonium, I understand your conditions of service..." A cold laugh echoed through the dark, empty space as I felt the air temperature drop to below zero. "Then your wish Is my command, Major Whitlock." Said the unforgiving voice.

I felt the stale air in the room, begin to move until it was almost like wind, my hair whipped around my face as I stood perfectly still. Suddenly I felt something hard, and heavy slam into my chest, I collapsed under its weight, a strangled scream broke out between my clenched teeth, It felt like I was being crushed by some invisible force.

Then all at once, it was gone, the wind, the weight. I opened my eyes and looked around, I wasn't in that dark room anymore, now I was in the outskirts of a large city, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Why here?" I mumbled in confusion, before shaking off my daze and walking towards the city and its neon lights, "Is she here?" a jolt of hope surged through me.

I wasn't the same without her.

"Jasper....Jasper!" I jolted out of my revere and looked to Y/n, her dark amber eyes were examining me closely, "Are you alright P/N?" she asks, I gazed at her for a moment and nodded. Her eyes told me that she didn't quite believe me but, what more could I say?

Hey, just so you know, the only reason I could find you in the first place was because I got help from a long-dead vengeful entity, who might just make me kill you or someone else I love?

Yea, that'd be a great conversation starter. I scowled at the pessimism in my own thoughts, maybe daemonium would be different just this once...it was an unlikely chance...I knew this but I could hope. Y/n grabbed my hand, I nearly flinched from the contact. She caressed the back of my hand, she moves so that she could comfortably rest her head on my shoulder. Warmth spread through my chest.

I rested my head on hers, "everything will be okay Jasper...the world doesn't stand a chance against us." she mumbles, I wished so desperately that those words could be true, that there wasn't the sword of Damascus hanging over her and my family.

 "Jasper" I froze in fear at hearing the cold voice, not now, not here, not her. "You know the rules and so do I.." the voice rasped "an eye for an eye" 


Trigger Warning below

-->Suicide mentions <-- (if anyone ever needs to talk my Dm's are always open)

Jasper's P.O.V

I shook my head in horror, Y/n looked at me, bewildered, "Are you okay, Jaz?" she asks, I simply nod and force a small smile, she slims her eyes at me and clicks her tongue "For some reason, I think you're lying to me" she says sharply, I cringe and looks at her silent for a moment. "I...uh...I-I'm..."could I tell her? 

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