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I pulled away from Y/n gently, afraid if I didn't now, I never would. Her eyes were closed, she leaned her head against my chest. She was beautiful, her H/L, H/C was messy and windblown, her pale skin was practically glowing, I looked her over for what felt like forever but wasn't nearly long enough. She was so beautiful, and she was mine. She eventually opened her eyes and looked at me, petrifying me with her gaze. "Jasper...I love you." I smiled softly and softly kisses her lips again "Well, I'd hope so." I said through a warm laugh. she pops my arm playfully, I laugh again.

~Time skip to a house full of vampires~

Y/n stopped a few feet away from the door, unsure, "I-Is she still here?" she was scared, and that was understandable. Bella's scent is rather...tempting. I grabbed her hand "If she is I'll be here for you, you can do this. I know you can." A pained look crossed her face before she nodded very hesitantly. "o-okay" I led her inside, ready to bring her back out if necessary. We slowly walked in, she stiffened ready to bolt, but Bella was gone and so was her scent, "good." I muttered. Y/n tensed up slightly when Carlisle and Esme came into the room, I gripped her hand. "Good to see you again, dear." Esme smiled as Emse does, Y/n relaxed a bit. Carlisle walked up beside me and tapped my arm motioning outside "Let's go talk son"


I watched in dismay as Jasper walked away with Carlisle. Without him, I felt on edge, Esme opened her mouth, I steeled myself for whatever she was about to say, "It been so long since I've seen Jasper that happy, thank you." she reached over and grasped my hands in hers, I tense up, she looked me in the eyes and said again "Thank you." I nodded slowly not 100% sure what to say. "trust me it was more him helping me than me helping him..." I muttered looking at the floor with a small smile. Esme squeezed my hand then got up and walked to her husband.


Jasper stepped outside with me, hand clasped beside his back, "You wanted to talk?" his voice was soft. There was a silence, "Jasper, I don't know if her being here is such a good idea" I said finally, "She's un-tame and.... she just too much of a risk to Bella." I felt a wave of anger rush through me "Jasper, getting angry won't help anything." I say calmy. He says nothing, I turn to look at him, his eyes are unreadable. I look down briefly, "I'm sorry son. I'd love to help her but right now... we just can't." There was another silence before Jasper said "No, I guess you can't help her....but can." His voice was even and calm. I looked at him, his eyes, his posture, gave no hint to what he was truly feeling. It only took him a moment to make up his mind "We'll be gone by sundown." That was all he said as he turned around and walked into the house. Dread filled me, but I said nothing and stood there silent, frowning I look at the sky, do I lose one to gain another? we could help her but at what cost?

Hello Peeps! I'm sorry my updates are so SLOW I promise I'll try to update more often!

I just want to thank everyone who takes the time to read this for 2.2 K views!!!!

trust me I will do something special for hitting 2.2 K views not sure WHAT yet but something! 

feel free to tell me any of Y'all's Ideas!

welp its that time again


word count:635

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