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A week has passed since Arya started avoiding Ryder. He never saw her. He would look for her, but she was never anywhere to be found. After sometime he heard that a girl was beaten up behind the school a week ago. About the same time Arya disappeared.

Arya on the other hand got the worst week of her life. Started off with Ryder's group of bimbos beating her up. Few broken ribs, crushed hand, and a lot of bruises. She spent most of her time in bed watching anime on Netflix. But each time she moved she was in pain.

Arya had a mother that was never there for her and a dead father. Along with an asshole for a step-father. But everyone left her alone. She wasn't an only child. All her siblings were already out in the world living their lives. But she did keep in touch with them. But being the baby of her family had its benefits. Like being her father's favorite child before he died.

Ryder one he other hand spent the entire week looking for her. Only to find out that she was beaten up and severely hurt. And then to find out that all the girls he's played, along with the group of bimbos had beaten her up. And that lead to all of them being tossed to the side and turning cold towards them. Which only made them angrier.

So, when Arya didn't show up for the second week Ryder asked around for where she lived. But had no luck since Arya never shared that and was always on ghost mode on Snapchat.

But after a day or two Ryder was finally able to find where she lived. Ended up going to the middle school to ask her neighbor where she lived. It didn't go so well since a lot of the girls in the middle school liked him. So, it was really hard for him to get around the group of middle school girls.

Arya was peacefully laying in her bed watching anime when Ryder of all people, opened her door. Which only caused a scowl to form on her face. Ryder wasn't let into the house by anyone, mainly because no one else was home, and no one was answering the door. So, he let himself in and tried to find her room, which happened to be on the second floor.

Arya rolled her eyes and went back to watching anime. She had nothing to say and wished he didn't come here. It was his fault that she was like this. She never liked being around people like him and didn't want to anytime soon. People like him hurt people like her.

"Arya," Ryder said softly. Arya looked over at him with a glare. But that didn't stop him from stepping into her room. Not one bit.

"Get out," Arya said quietly. Even speaking was hurting her.

"Not until I have said what I came here to say," Ryder said. He waited for a response, but when he didn't get one he continued. "I'm trying to change. I know that I'm not a good person. But I want to change that. I've already gotten rid of all the girls. I'm actually really mad at them for what they did. But please just give me a chance."

"No," was all Arya said before ignoring him. But Ryder wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Just give me a chance. I can help you. I can make you happy. I will do anything for you," Ryder paused. He could tell that Arya was listening. "I'm not going to play your feelings. You're the first person I've actually had feelings for."

"Don't lie," Arya said quietly, almost to herself. But Ryder heard it. He sighed and walked up to her.

"I'm not lying. Just give me one chance," he pleaded. He wanted to be with her. But he was scared that she didn't want to be with him. Or that one day she would lose feelings for him and just leave without saying a word to him. Or do what he's done to other girls, playing their feelings when he knew they had real feelings for him.

"No," Arya was slowly starting to get louder. She didn't want him here, nor did she want to fall for his little game. But he did promise her happiness. But how long would that happiness last till he ended his game. And what would he do to her during that time?

"Please Arya, just give me a chance. One chance, that's all I need," Ryder promised. Arya couldn't tell if he was lying or not. Ryder on the other hand was telling the truth. He watched as her head dropped and the words he was waiting for were said.

"One chance," she whispered. The day was November 12th, the day she let someone into her life.

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