Another Life

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Ryder left Arya in the room while he went to get sushi. It was raining outside so he pulled up his hood to keep from getting wet. Ryder got in his car and started it up. He looked up the closest sushi house and started driving there. It took longer than he had hoped it would. But he still got Arya sushi.

When Ryder was getting into his car there was a lightning strike somewhere in the distant. He didn't think much of it as he was pulling out onto the main road. As he was driving back he noticed fire trucks rushing past him. In the direction he was going.

In the distance Ryder could see an orange light. And orange light that was oddly in the same place as where he was staying, and where he had left Arya. Everything started to fall into place. The lightning had hit the hotel. The fire trucks were going to put the fire out.

By the time Ryder pulled up the entire building was ablaze. It looked like there were no survivors. The fire men were rushing around. Trying to save people and put out the fire.

Ryder had tried to reach her in time. But he was too late. The love of his life went up in flames because of him. He had done everything he could to fix her, but in the end, she was still broken and just as lost. But this was worse. His memories were all starting to fade. All of his precious memories of her. He fell to his knees as he watched it all burn away. All the memories, the smiles, and their times together all burn away in the fire.

Arya was lost in a fire that was caused by a lightning strike. There was no saving her from the fire. But Ryder knew that he had lost her forever. That he would never see the love of his life again. That they would no longer be reunited again. He knew she was gone, but he didn't want her to be. But all Ryder could think about all the pain she could've gone through. Burning alive in that fire.

The night passed by in a burr. He had completely lost her. The only thing he had left of her was the few pictures of her on his phone. But even those brought him tears. No comfort. He couldn't continue looking at the pictures of her as he deleted them from his phone. Erasing everything of her from his phone.

The reports of the fire weren't what Ryder need the next day. He didn't need to know who all had died that night in the fire. It only made him worse to see her face on the TV screen as they talked about her. Saying how she was one of the last people the firemen tried to reach. But the ceiling had fallen on her, killing her instantly.

Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. And Ryder didn't get any better. He just got worse. Wanting to die and join her wherever she had gone. But he knew that maybe that wasn't what she would want. But to him, they would at least get to be together again.

That night after work, Ryder walked up to the top of the apartment building he was staying at. He walked to the edge of the building. Getting dangerously close to the edge.

The weather was similar to the weather Arya had died in. To him it was the perfect death. Jumping from a ten-story building. The wind was harsh. Making Ryder sway in the wind. It was hard for him just to step forward without being pushed back and forth. Right as Ryder stepped on the ledge the wind pushed him forward, but suddenly pushed him back.

Ryder tried again. This time he was able to step up to the ledge and was ready to jump. But yet again the wind came. This time it didn't push him back, it just gave him a slight nudge as he jumped.

Ryder somewhat survived his jump. Even thought it was onto hard ground. But when the ambulance came they could see there was no saving him. Ryder was already too far out of reach to save. The jump did its job in killing him. But a bit more painful than he had wanted. But he had gotten his wish to join his dead love.

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