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Madelyn's POV

After getting to know Zolia, Shantel, Fabiola and Montana the boys dragged us to the dance floor but not before we drank a bit of alcohol.

The girls are quite nice. I can really see us becoming a group of friends. They match mine and Brianna's energy really well and that's good enough.

I start to dance with Dylan. Our bodies full of sweat but constantly being pressed together as it moves to the music on the dance floor. I feel Dylan's hand grip more firmly to my hips and he starts to guide me to his own beat.

He's dancing, holding me from behind and I'm having the time of my life. I look up to see Mateo and Brianna do the same along with everybody else. I see from the corner of my eye Melissa glaring at me.

Maybe it's the effects of the alcohol but I've had enough of Melissa and her drama. I stop dancing and leave the warmth of Dylan's body, marching to where the DJ is playing the music. I push him away from the thing he is playing music from and everything goes silent as the music gets cut off.

I walk up to Melissa who is still glaring at me. "Got a problem Melissa?" I ask sticking out my one leg and folding my arms together. "Just a certain dog" she tells me repeating her action earlier of looking at me from head to toe. That just pissed me off. "You want to resolve anything Melissa?" I say dangerously low and stepping closer to her.

"Babe, what's going on?" I hear Dylan ask from the side of me and I turn to face him. "The whole time she's been glaring at me for nothing" I tell him. He shakes his head. "Just leave it babe" he tells me and I look at him annoyed. "You for real? What so you are the only one allowed to speak up if you don't like something?" I ask with fire burning within me. I'm all fired up for absolutely nothing but I can't help it.

"You've had too much to drink babe. Let's go home yeah? I'll make a nice hot bubble bath for us to soak in together" Dylan tells me with his smirk displaying proudly on his face. "Fine but only for you" I tell him and go to kiss him but a rush of pain flows starting by the back of my head.

I turn around to see Melissa smirking at me. "Oops" is all she said. "Did you just pull my hair?" I ask her calmly. She nods without saying a word.

I decide to return the favour and without saying a word I slap her. Hard. Within seconds my imprint is forming on her freckled face. She holds her cheek completely bewildered at what just happened and I feel satisfaction flow throughout my body.

"You are a-" Melissa starts but gets cut off by Brianna. "If you want to finish that, go ahead but make sure you won't regret it afterwards" Brianna says as she comes and stands by my side with the girls. I'm surprised within a couple hours of knowing them that Zolia, Montana, Fabiola and Shantel would be at my side.

I have a feeling these girls and I would be really really good friends. "What? You think you're the only one with friends!" Melissa yells out. I look around me to see a crowd already forming. What am I even thinking?

"Melissa I'm so tired of you! Your arrogance irritates me and you want to know why Dylan loves me and not you? It's because I'm not like you! Or at least I'm not the kind of person you are. Someone who brings down others to make herself feel invincible" I say and huff out feeling out of breath.

"Dixie! Sammy! You with me?" Melissa calls out and I see her goons come to her sides. "Yaahhh babee" Dixie slurs out. "Yippy" Samantha says out. "Really? So you not only a dimwit but also can't count? We do maths together and you don't know that six is greater than three?" Fabiola laughs out and the rest of us join her.

"You want me to deal with you next big lips?" Melissa tries to insult making a fish mouth to try and tease Fabiola. "The bigger the lips the better it is for kissing unlike your thin ones Melissa" Antonio says defending his date. I look to Fabiola to see her already smiling at Antonio who returns the smile back to her.

"How touching but does it look like we even care?" Samantha says. "Girl you really asking for it" Montana says gaining some confidence. "Oh look it's the giiirrrll who doesn't talk" Dixie replies drunk. "If it isn't the girl who sleeps with anyone and everyone" Shantel defends Montana.

Melissa grits her teeth. "You think you can talk to me and get away with it!" I smirk, "I really don't think about you at all. You're a waste of my thought and time" I say and yawn mocking her.

"You can go to hell bitc-" before Melissa could finish, Zolia lunges at her and punches her face. Next Samantha pulls Zolia's hair but Shantel kicks her in the face. I guess she's really flexible to lift her leg that high. Dixie comes to attack Shantel but I intervene and punch Dixie. Melissa gets up from the floor with a bruise quickly forming on her cheek from Zolia's punch.

I smirk. "Oh look, you've got a darker shade of blush" I tease. "I will get you back!" Melissa says and tackles me to the ground. I flip us so I'm on top and I throw multiple punches to her face. I look up to see Zolia wiping a bloody nose and Shantel wiping blood from her busted lip. Montana on top of Dixie whilst Fabiola holds Samantha and Brianna slaps her.

But the boys quickly get involved and break us all up after a minute or so. "Are you girls insane?" Leonardo asks us. "They started it!" Fabiola says. "Enough Fabiola" Antonio sighs running his fingers through his hair.

"You all are going to come with us. We're going to my house. You need to clean yourselves up so you don't go home with blood on yourselves." Dylan commands. The girls and I keep quiet knowing we can't really argue with Dylan. I'm not sure whether they know about the gang or not but I'm sure they speculate. Only Brianna and I know the real truth of it all.

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