Sometimes Blood Isn't Thicker Than Water

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Dylan's POV

"Anita call the doctor now. Tell him to urgently get to the cabin now!" She nods to me and goes on her phone, trying to call the doctor. "Mr Davis? Please come to the cabin immediately. It's one of the girls, she's answered. Okay, thank you" Anita hangs up.

"He'll be there" I look to the road and speed down it even faster. I can hear Lorenzo as he whispers sweet things to Zolia's unconscious body. "Babe you're with me now. I'll watch that titanic movie with you, but only if you open your eyes for me-" I focus on the sobs of my Principessa and I feel my heart break.

"I-im so sorry Zolia. I'm s-so sorry." She keeps repeating. In a minute we make it back to the cabin and just then, doctor Davis pulls in. Rushing, we carry Zolia to her room with Lorenzo. We gently settle her on the bed and doctor Davis tells us we need to step out. I step out the bedroom and see a couple nurses with machines and cords run into the room.

After about 5 more nurses run in with heavy looking equipment, they close the door shut. "I need a drink" Lorenzo stresses out. He turns around and immediately makes his way downstairs to where the kitchen is.

I see my angel sitting outside of their room on the side of the doorway as she cries. I engulf her in a strong hug and I finally let go so I don't feel so tense anymore. "I hate him, I hate him, I hate him" she repeats. I pull back slightly, "who?" She stops sobbing and looks up at me with hate in her eyes.

I inwardly shudder, she has ice and fire in her eyes. She's hurting but raging altogether. "I want to kill him Dylan. Where is he!" She pushes me off her and she stands up yelling. "where is Pietro!" Screaming out, she marches towards me and bends down. I stayed on the floor where she pushed me. "Tell me" she pleads. "he's detained for now. We need to focus on Zolia right now" mentioning Zolia's name has sadness swirling her eyes instantly.

"Zolia, she needs us okay?" I try to pacify her. She nods. "He hurt her and then he tried to-" she hugs me after I pull her in my arms. "I'm sorry baby" she breaks down and sobs uncontrollably. I don't think I've ever seen her this hysterical before.

3 hours later

It's been two days from when Pietro took the girls. We worked fast but not fast enough. The rest of the guys arrived about twenty minutes after we did and the girls instantly went to sleep.

We're waiting downstairs for news of Zolia's condition. The doctor now walks down the stairs and comes to us. He takes a seat next to me at the table and gives Lorenzo a sad look.

"She's strong. He beat her relentlessly and unfortunately, caused some internal damage. Broken ribs, bruised cheeks, her arms are bruised too and she also lost a lot of blood Lorenzo." He sighs. "What does that mean?" Hastily Lorenzo asks.

"She needs rest and a lot of medication. But nothing she can't recover from. There's risks like, a reopening of her internal wounds which can cause her to bleed out. Things like that. I will bring more medication tomorrow and I'll see if she needs anything else. I had to perform a sloppy surgery on the bed so you should change the sheets" I smile at Lorenzo who looks really relieved. "Thank you" Lorenzo wakes up and hugs the doctor. I asked the doctor to check out Madelyn and he did. He said she was hurt but nothing rest can't fix with a bit of medication.

Soon the doctor left and we each headed to our rooms. Time to cut loose ends and resolve things.

The next day

Madelyn's POV

"She's awake!" Running up to Lorenzo's room we see a weak smiling Zolia. Her eyes meet mine and I immediately burst out crying. She only got hurt because she was sticking up for me.

"Guys give us a second?" She smiles. They nod and everyone leaves the room. "It's not your fault Mads" I sniffle. "it is, i should of stopped him or tried harder" she stops me, "come here" I hesitate but still go to her bed side. "I love you and it wasn't your fault. This is all Pietro. Not you, you got hurt too from the looks of it. We're safe and that's all that matters okay?" I nod gently and I hold her hand. "I love you" I say. "I love you too girl" she gives my hand a slight reassuring squeeze.

After about an hour consisting of all of us talking with Zolia, we had to leave her to get some rest, strict instructions from Lorenzo. "I want to see him" I say to Dylan as we head out of Zolia's room.

"No" he walks away and I follow after him into our room. "Don't do this to me. Please, let me see him" begging doesn't even have a tad bit of effect on him. "For what? To kill him? You have no idea what you're doing Madelyn!" I know Dylan must be mad but I don't care. "I know what I'm doing, I want to see him" I demand. "fine"

Following Dylan, he got his keys and we drove to the main base. Dylan took me into the basement and there was Pietro tied up next to Thomas on a chair.

"Did you get to have at her?" Thomas chuckles asking Pietro. "She put up a fight. I didn't get a chance too." Immediately when Pietro finishes his sentence a gun goes off. One shot at the head and one at the heart. Tyler and Dylan stood side by side with their guns up. "who shot where?" I ask mortified. "I shot the heart" Tyler says. "Head" Dylan shrugs.

Thomas looks at Pietro's slumming body. Blood trickling from his forehead, his head hanging back and eyes rolled to the back of his head. Blood is gushing out of his chest, his shirt getting soaked and stained in dark thick red. "You killed your own brother!" Dylan just holds an emotionless stare at Thomas's erratic behaviour.

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