You know how the government is pretty sketchy? Well, the sketchiness has finally reached the limit and now they have completely left Earth in a rocket they've been building and spending all of their money on since 2025. To put the cherry on top, they went ahead and bombed every city to ensure that we couldn't survive. Obviously, we did.
It's been ten years since they left in 2040 and the world has been just chaos since the government left. Some people have been making clans and their own governments which is reasonable.
And who am I? My name is Lennon Mickey and I am twenty-four. I've been traveling around the world with weapons to protect myself against the rebellious clans that are spread around and grabbing supplies. My main goal? Fix the world.
I used to be with other people, and they were all older than me at the time. The first group I was able to get in was a five person group, now being six when I joined. I was fifteen, a year after the chaos started, and all of the people were starting to get into their twenties.
Weird thing is, I can't really remember how I ran into the group and how I even managed to join it. Whenever hell was let loose on the world, the beginning of the apocalypse was just a fog in my memory but there is one memory that I can perfectly recall when it comes to the beginning.
One day, while bunking in an old cabin in a forest one winter, we were doing what we always did. Searching for supplies. We were rummaging through boxes and crates just to find blankets and some food to get through the harsh winter.
Ever since the nuclear blasts, when it came to seasons, weather, temperature, you name it, it was fucking outlandish. It was about -30 degrees Fahrenheit. If I recall correctly, our group was in the south part of Tennessee which pre-bombs, barely got even 1 degree below in the winter time. Don't even get me started on summer. Getting through the wasteland is like scavenging the devils asshole while half my water is evaporated.
Anyways, while the others were inside the cabin looking for fuck all, I was outside, looking out just in case there was an ambush. Why they decided to put me out to look out? I'll never know. I can only assume it was because I was the youngest and by the time they would realize that the high pitched screams wasn't in fact due to the tinnitus in their ears but actually me, I'm sure I would actually be gone. Fortunately, nothing really happened when it came to the outside of the cabin. No sign of anyone fixing to ambush a group looking for survival.
Sadly, when it came to the inside, I guess the people before us had rigged the place with a bomb to destroy the supplies if anyone was to find them. The good news, is that the supplies were alright (which is kind of fucking ironic when you think about it). The bad news, is that one of our members had died from the blast and the person next to him was badly injured for a few months after.
I'm surprised they didn't realize that it was rigged. The box that they found the supplies in had a literal note on it marking it as "Food and Water". According to what they told me, it was just sitting out in the open. I never understood how they didn't immediately realize that it was a trap but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Fast forward a little further to the reason why I "used" to be with a group. There was a gas station that we found that was stocked with food and beverages with the freezers surprisingly working.
This should've immediately raised a heavy red flag, as most freezers had ran out of electricity due to the bombs knocking out the power grid, and also taking in the fact that the gas station was not very far from a clan's base.
I stayed in the truck, which was hiding in the forest next to the gas station, with the growing amount of supplies as they carried it back.
Now, I could just summarize this but I feel like I should go deeper into detail so you get the jist.
By Ourself
ActionAfter the government completely abandons the world to go live in space 2040, the world goes to hell. Laws don't matter anymore, guns are available more than ever, and there are probably tens or hundreds of clans around the world. Lennon Mickey, a 24...