Chp.11: It's Done

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Days have gone by and I wish I could say they were a smooth few days but the good thing out of these past few days was Erik and I going to my doctor's appointment and we got to hear our baby's heartbeat and it was so strong and healthy and everything was good so that was the best highlight of both of Erik and I's past few days.

However, since Erik and the boys handled the previous situation involving BSG, Erik has been so fixated on focusing on the man that kilt Emerald and who is also responsible for his mother being in the hospital and although he doesn't talk about it in-depth with me. I know that is what is on his mind majority of the time. Sometimes he's zoned out when we're cuddling or watching Tv or maybe even discussing our child which lets me know that something else has been on his mind and since he mentioned it briefly to me. I know that is exactly what it is.

It actually worries me how fixated he is on catching this man, my main concern is what will happen if or when Erik catches this man. What will he do? Will Ricky them be around and will they be able to talk him down from doing something extremely reckless? Will the thought of him having a child on the way be enough to stop him from doing something reckless if he is standing face to face with the man who killed Emerald and has his mother fighting for her life.

One part of me wants for him to get justice but the other side of me wishes he could forget all about it and that his mother can wake up and we can all push forward but that is just me hopeful wishing.

I know Erik is not and will not give up nor will he stop until the man is in his possession. Although he is trying to mask it in front of me, I know him well enough to know that every time he leaves my house, he's going to the trap and working on a plan to catch the man and it bothers me.

Because of the whole situation with my father and mother happened. Erik was very adamant about having a sit down with both of them, so my mom was back in town as I am sure she will be in New York more frequently with the condition of my father who keeps checking himself out of the hospital just for him to end up back in the hospital. Nonetheless, she was on her way over here as today was the day Erik talked to her and then goes to the hospital and talk to my dad.

It was late in the afternoon, We were sitting in my living room as my Godparents were at work for the day.

A part of me was a bit nervous about how this conversation will go as Erik is already so tense with everything that he has going on, I am slightly concerned how easily triggered or agitated he could become which could flip everything upside down but there was no going back and only I could continue hoping that everything stays as good as it can be.

Minutes later the doorbell rang and I already knew it was my biological mother Alana. I stood up and walked to the front door as Erik stayed seated on the couch. I opened the door seeing her softly smiling "Hi Jamie." she greeted. "Hey." I greeted allowing her inside.

I closed the door behind her and locked it "How are you doing? Are you feeling better?" She asked.

I nod my head guiding her to the living room "I'm doing good." I expressed.

We walked into the living room and she instantly saw Erik "Hello Erik." she greeted him. "What's up." Erik greeted her.

She softly let out a small laugh sitting down on the two-sitter sofa as I sat back down next to Erik who was on the three-sitter sofa. "You tell me. I figured since you are here and we are seated like this that there is something that needs to be talked about?" she spoke already knowing where this was going.

Erik chuckled "Well you are right about that, there is something that needs to be talked about specifically from me to you, with all due respect." he expressed.

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