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"We cannot train him."

Cierra put a hand on her hip, giving both Valafar and Maricella a dark glare. "Well, isn't that a shame?" she replied in a scathing tone.

The arthrogons stood in a clearing in the middle of the forest. It was a pitch black night, but that was no problem for them. After all, the adults could all generate fire at will.

Valafar was the tallest—thickly muscled, green with gold splotches, and sporting purple spikes all over his body as well as a pair of massive draconic wings.

Maricella was a far less impressive a specimen by comparison—in terms of outward displays of power, that is. She had chestnut-gray skin, dark brown hair, and lacked antennae, but those who knew her were well aware of the massive amounts of power she commanded.

Clinging to Maricella's leg was the couple's young daughter Alexis. She had lime green skin, a mop of yellow hair, and a long pair of antennae—all of which caused her to bear a striking resemblance to her indominable father.

And finally, wrapped in Maricella's arms was Zillion, the youngest of the group. Though he was only a newborn, his parents were well aware of the power he possessed—power that far surpassed their own, and possibly even Cierra's.

"Would you like to explain to me exactly why you cannot train him?" the crime lady asked, narrowing her eyes at her brother-in-law.

"The Reviver requires maintenance," Valafar rasped, "and maintenance requires time. Time that I will not have if I waste it on the boy."

"Your time would not be wasted," Maricella hissed, her words barely audible but full of fire.

"Know your place," Valafar growled, his claws creeping around the back of his ex-wife's neck.

"And you know yours," Cierra shot back, reacting instantly. A flame flickered in the palm of her hand, which currently rested under Valafar's upraised chin.

Valafar slowly removed his hand from Maricella's nape. "Maricella must train the girl," he told Cierra, meeting her gaze emotionlessly. "She will devote every second she has to preparing Alexis for the Revival. I expect you to do the same for Zillion, while I finish the Reviver."

"And how long will that take?" Cierra snapped, lowering her hand.

"I estimate twenty years," Valafar responded evenly.

Cierra laughed in disbelief. "Twenty years?"

"Repairing a Reviver by oneself is a trying task, even with my level of dedication," Valafar snarled. "As I stated before, it is time-consuming."

"And you don't think my job is?" Cierra sneered. "I run the Safe Haven underworld, fool. I don't have time to waste on children."

Valafar fell silent for a moment. Then he took a step toward Cierra, flames flickering along the spikes on his back. "We are the last of our kind," he whispered, his voice shaking with fury. "We must all be at full strength in order to power the Reviver and restore our species. If you do not train Zillion to his full potential, we are LOST!"

"Then perhaps," Cierra replied, clipping her words, "we are lost. Maybe our time is up, hm?" She stood firm as Valafar stopped an inch away from her. "Maybe it is time for the arthrogons to die," she said coldly.


The "Queen of Crime" turned to her sister. "Eh?"

"As much as I hate Valafar—and you know how much I hate him—he has a valid point," Maricella stated wearily. "Our entire race dies if we don't dedicate every second we have to maximizing the children's power." She winced and added, "I know it's a lot to ask, and I know you don't want to hear this... but your queenship of the underworld is nowhere near the level of importance of our species' survival."

Cierra let out a hiss through her teeth. "Who the h--- gives a d--- about our species?" she seethed.

"I know you do," Maricella countered. She stepped forward, tears slipping out of her eyes. "I don't want to give up my son," she choked out, "but it's all I can do."

Cierra softened a bit, a sad frown coming to her face. "Mari, you don't have to do it," she said quietly. "Valafar can't make you."

Valafar let out a scornful chuckle at that.

"I know," Maricella murmured, looking down. "But I want to. For our people." She looked back up, determined. "The arthrogon race does NOT die because of us. We will revive it. We will SAVE it." She held Zillion out to Cierra.

Cierra scowled at the baby before sighing and taking him in her arms, holding him awkwardly. "Fine. I will take him under my... wing." She scrunched up her face as Zillion's antennae tickled her chin.

Maricella nodded and gave Cierra a teary smile. "Gracias, hermana."

"Don't thank me yet," Cierra grumbled.

Valafar snorted and turned around, spreading his wings. "When it is time, we will come," he said over his shoulder. "Until then, keep our hope alive." With that, he took off into the sky, leaving a trail of burning smoke behind him.

Maricella gave her sister a hug and Zillion a kiss on the forehead before scooping Alexis up in her arms and carrying the child off into the woods. "Goodbye, little Zill," she called, looking back one more time. "Te amo..."


Cierra glanced down at the sleeping child in her arms. "Our race," she muttered, then scoffed. "D--- our race." She walked over to a large tree and bent down, placing Zillion on the ground. "I don't have time for our race or for you," Cierra grumbled. "You can raise yourself." She crouched over the child, adding, "But I will leave you with one gift, so you won't be completely lost in this world."

Zillion's antennae brushed against her head, glowing green as they made contact. Words flowed from Cierra's mind to his, teaching him how to communicate.

In Spanish, that is.

Cierra smiled cruelly. "Here is your test, Zill," she sneered, straightening up. "Survive, and I will train you. Die, and our race dies with you." She smirked and began to walk away before pausing and looking over her shoulder. "Oh, and good luck... nephew."

18. Z I L L I O N : ChimerosWhere stories live. Discover now