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Zill stood on top of an organic overpass in the Capital City, staring down at the traffic passing below him. Vehicles and animals alike streamed underneath the overpass, their sounds and voices creating an oddly-comforting cacophony of noise. "Okay, Safe Haven," he muttered. "Whaddya got for me today?"

As if in response to his question, the wind suddenly picked up.

"Oh, yeah," Zill said with a grin. "Easy pickings." He spread his wings and took off, flying in the opposite direction from which the wind blew. "Alright, ya little chicken," he said under his breath, "where are you?"

The wind grew stronger the further Zill flew, forcing him to use his fire to propel himself. "Urgh. That's a little stronger than usual," he remarked. "Did he get an upgrade, or...?"

He slowed to a stop in midair.

Zill was now in front of Zoo Phoenix Academy, over which a single staff-wielding figure hovered. Clouds swirled furiously overhead, lightning flashing within them.

The figure over the academy cackled as he hoisted the staff in the air. "Behold the Staff of Shu!" he shrieked. "With this great weapon, I shall rule the WORLD!"

Zill narrowed his eyes. "HEY! HORRIS!" he shouted over the wind. "Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Horiss's eyes lit up. "Ah! Zillion! My arch-nemesis!" he screeched, pointing his staff at Zill. "I have been waiting for you!"

"I'm not your arch-nemesis!" Zill yelled. "We fought one time!"

"And in doing so, we set up our second fight!" Horris shot back eagerly. "Now we shall duel for the fate of Safe Haven—and the WORLD!"

"You're delusional! You're not even strong enough to take over the district!" Zill taunted.

"Maybe not before," Horris sneered, "but now, with the Staff of Shu—which I found in my grandmother's basement—I shall RULE THE WORLD!"

Zill rolled his eyes. "Okay, chicken-face," he called with a sigh, "let's go."

Horris chuckled. "Yes—let's."



Zill slammed back-first into a building, pinned there by the mighty force of Horris's wind—which seemed to be getting stronger as the fight dragged on.

Come on! Zill thought angrily, peeling himself away from the building. I took this twerp down in like five seconds last time!

"Aw! What's the matter, weakling?" Horris called, chortling. "Can't handle my upgrade?"

Zill narrowed his eyes. Right. The staff. Have to separate it from him! He pumped his wings and streaked forward, reaching out toward Horris with his claws.

"This again?" Horris angled his staff downward, sending Zill plummeting to the ground.

Zill crashed into a bench and bounced off, rolling to a stop. He let out a groan as he pushed himself to his feet. I haven't even touched him yet! he thought, his frustration growing. How am I supposed to beat him if I can't touch him? I've tried using my fire, but he just blows it away!

Zill stared up into the swirling clouds and cried, "This couldn't be going any worse!"

Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and a torrential rain began to pour.

18. Z I L L I O N : ChimerosWhere stories live. Discover now