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When Violet woke up the next morning, the only thing she could feel was hot and secure. When her eyes opened, the only thing she could see was the black material of Peter's shirt, and she realized that the heavy feeling on her hip was his hand cupping it gently, keeping her close to him even in his slumber. She may not have had spider senses, but she could hear his heavy breathing and the steady thrum of his heartbeat from her position next to his chest. The two showed that he was still very much sleeping, warm and comfortable.

She let herself enjoy the little moment while he was still asleep, before she rolled over, just far enough on the bed for his hand to fall off and land on the sheets. The miniscule moment seemed to wake the boy out of his sleep, and she automatically shut her eyes, slowing down her breathing since she knew he could hear it. She knew it was childish of her to pretend to sleep, the action similar to a child trying to get their dad to carry them up to bed, but she did not want him to assume that she had actually enjoyed being so close to him.

Peter groaned quietly as he woke up, and she could feel the bed dip as he rolled over and pulled back his arms to stretch out all of his taut muscles. It was surprisingly hard to keep herself breathing properly when she was trying to focus on calculating his moves before he made them, but she tried to make do. Until she couldn't.

"I know you're awake, Vi," he grumbled sleepily, his tone still a lace of groggy.

She let out a heavy sigh at being caught, and she rolled over, her eyes immediately meeting his half-lidded ones. "I'm not awake. You're not awake. You're dreaming. Back to sleep world, Peter," she attempted feebly.

He chuckled, a deep one that came straight from the chest, before he reached over to give her elbow a playful pinch. "Shut up. Ask how I could tell you weren't sleeping. Please, I wanna tell you." Peter flipped right back over on his side to face her, propping up his head with his knuckles.

Violet turned back on her side to look at him, propping her own head up and letting her hair fall over her shoulders. "Okay. How could you tell I wasn't sleeping, Boy Wonder?"

"Your breathing and heartbeat, obviously. You can keep them all as slow and steady as you want, but the natural sleeping heartbeat is horribly slow, something you couldn't manage without being close to death. And breathing is heavier, harder, which is why snoring exists, kinda. You can't mimic it without being deep into the world of sleep." The last two words were a mockery of her former attempt at getting him to forget anything happened, and she reached out with the hand not propping up her head to sock him in the shoulder.

The girl dragged herself up to sit up on her bent legs, gently shoving him at the hip. "Come on, Nerd-i-locks. We have school, and I smell Aunt May's cooking. She never fails to make me want to get out of bed."

Peter groaned, reaching out to grab her elbows and pull her to him, obviously still lost in the idea that what happened the night before was a recurring thing. "Not me. I want to sleep."

The action made her freeze, her heart jumping in a way that spooked her, and she immediately attempted to pull away from him, causing her to simply roll off of his body and land with a hard thunk on the hardwood floor. Stunned by the quick motions but not numb to pain, she groaned as dull pain shot through her spine, grabbing her arm as she sat up.

"Violet? You okay?" Peter had sat up and was sitting on the edge of his bed, before he slid off and leaned down to touch her elbow, his eyebrows furrowed.

His concern made her scoot back from the touch and she nodded vigorously, standing up and brushing off her clothes, ignoring the throbbing that she knew would reside sooner or later. "Yep," she chirped, way too chipper for her taste, "let's go!" Without giving him a chance to recover from the quick-moving situation that had just occurred, she unlocked his door with a press of a button, practically throwing it open and sprinting down the stairs.

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