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   Immediately after she was off the phone with Peter, Violet was searching around the crowd of students until her eyes caught on Gwen. She rushed forward, laying a hand on her arm to warn her of her presence and hoping she didn't get socked in the mouth in the process of speaking.

"Gwen, I know you don't want to hear from me right now, but I need your help," she started.

Gwen's face was shocked at the sight of Violet before she rolled her eyes. "No offense, Violet, it's really not against you, but I don't think I really want to help you right now. Peter and you did nothing wrong, don't get me wrong, but it's still a fresh wound." She explained, before immediately turning her gaze back to the wrecked school in front of her.

With a groan, Violet tugged on Gwen's sleeve again. "This has nothing to do with Peter and I. Kinda. Listen, we know how to defeat the Lizard, and I promise you I will explain everything, but I need you to help me get into Oscorp and run a serum. It's the only way to stop this thing before he fatally hurts somebody. Please, Gwen," she begged, hoping the frantic look on her face was enough to convince the blonde to help her out.

The other girl stared at her for a second before looking around, sighing loudly. "Fine. But I want you to explain the entire time we're on our way, Violet."

And so she did. The entire way to Oscorp Tower, Violet spilled everything, including her boyfriend's secret identity. Uh, oh, not so secret now!

And then she went on about how he figured out that the Lizard was Dr. Curt Connors, and how the secret to stopping the Lizard was the same secret to cure Dr. Connors overall.

By the time they got to the tower, Gwen had the same determined look on her face, leading the way into a lab with huge scientific equipment. Violet did a spin to take all of it in, unable to mask the awe that peeked it's way through. She had never been a science geek, but something about the room made her want to spend all of her time in it.

Gwen inserted her staff card into a small opening, starting her geeky work as Violet stood there, watching and feeling ultimately useless. "It's cooking," she announced, running her fingers through her hair with the stress.

Violet furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "What's wrong?"

"My dad. Police captain, you remember him. He's probably in the middle of this," she ranted, capturing her bottom lip in her teeth.

Sympathy rushed through Violet, making pals with the adrenaline in her bloodstream, and she went to respond when she was suddenly interrupted by her phone ringing. Whipping it out in record speed, she answered it. "Hi."

"Hey, hey, where are you?" Peter questioned, his voice sounding more stressed than she liked.

"Peter, hi," she breathed out, enjoying the sound of his voice. "I'm at Oscorp."

"You have to get out of there right now, okay?"

Although it was phrased as a question, she knew Peter wasn't asking, and she glanced at the serum currently cooking with an incredulous look. "The antidote is cooking," she deadpanned.

Peter's voice turned more desperate. "No, no, no. Connors is on the way. He's coming to you right now. He needs the dispersement device, he's gonna infect the whole city!" The way he explained it soundly like a kid making up an imaginative story, and the dread filling her gut made her wish he was.

Despite the panic in her boyfriend's voice and the worry in her chest, she shook her head, glancing at the timer. "There's eight minutes left."

"You're gonna wait there for eight minutes after what I just told you? People are gonna die! You leave, right now," he demanded, and she would have felt a shock of anger if she knew he wasn't just looking out for her. "That is an order, okay?"

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