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The two weeks passed by like a flashing light. The days were pretty monotonous as we would just go to school, then have extracurricular activities, then go to sleep and repeat that. The extracurricular classes were way more interesting than the normal ones as we would learn about certain powers we would get and how to use them once we're on earth. At the end of each week we would take a little test to see if we remembered the important stuff. Thanks to Jake I passed both of them. Jake and I also grew pretty close after the chandelier experience. Turns out he's actually a really cool guy that is just passionate about his dreams. Most of the time we would move as one big group as we basically shared the same schedule and because it felt awkward to be the only devil flying around a predominantly angel district. It took me quite some time to adjust to my new surroundings. I never had a fixed routine before or were dependent on anyone. If I wasn't sitting in a classroom and learning about humans, I was guided by Soobin or Jungwon on how to handle certain situations on earth. But it wasn't all bad. After all I was living in the most prestigious school made by angels, which houses some of the most respected angels.

It was lunch break and like always all the devils sat together at one table.
"Don't you find it weird that we've been here for a week, but we still haven't seen any other devils?", Ningning, one of the girls, asked curiously.
"Probably because there are only a handful of devils thinking about becoming a guardian angel", I replied.
"Ooh, I taught someone well", Jake grinned proudly.
"That's just because you forced me to pull these all-nighters for the tests", I replied, jokingly glaring at him.
"That was for your sake", Jake just laughed. We kept chatting about random stuff, when Soobin joined our table.
"And, are y'all ready to meet the humans you'll be caring for?", he asked as he put his tray down and sat next to Jisung, who moved a bit to make some space. Jake and I replied at the same time with 'yes' and 'no', making the rest laugh. "You're still not very fond of this project, Sunghoon, are you?", Soobin chuckled.
"I'm sure he's going to love it", Jake assured Soobin.
"Ah, right! Forgot to tell you: You won't be seeing me too often anymore since you will spend most of your time with your individuals guides or your assigned humans. I'm still there for you though so if something's going wrong you can ask me", Soobin explained. We just nodded as he left us to sit with his colleagues.

After the lunch break we had our last hours of human classes and after that our last extracurricular activity. In the last lesson our teacher tought us was to not form a too strong bond with humans as we're most likely to never see them again after this project. After that we were dismissed and could leave for some free time.

Since it was already late after our last class, Jake and I prepared ourselves to go to sleep. As I sat in the corner of my bed and played some random game, Jake already laid down ready to fall asleep. As soon as I noticed him laying down, I turned the lights off and also laid down.
"Jake?", I asked him after a while.
"Hm?", he replied tired.
"Are you excited for tomorrow?", I questioned.
"Yeah, obviously. Another step closer into becoming a guardian angel", he mumbled into his pillow.
"Why do you even wanna become a guardian angel?", I kept questioning. I heard him turning in his bed.
"Why?", he repeated what I said. I clearly caught his interest by that question as he suddenly was pretty awake. "Because that job is so interesting! Learning more about something that is so far away, but so close to us. Also I always loved caring for others so why not make it my job. Besides a devil in a predominantly angel work field would stir things up a little", Jake explained enthusiastically, clearly keeping it short for the sake of my patience.
"I still don't get it, but at least your parents support it", I shrugged my shoulders.
"My parents don't support it", he denied. Confused I turned my head to him.
"They don't?", I questioned.
"They don't like the idea of me becoming a guardian angel, because I would betray my own culture as a devil. They want me to be more selfish and rebellious and compare me to an ideal devil from their imagination all the time. Pretty old-fashioned in my opinion", he elaborated.
"My parents are the complete opposite. They wish I would strive more to the original angel formula and be more 'rightful' even though I hate the idea of guardian angels and humans in general", I exclaimed.
"I guess we were born into the wrong family", Jake joked.
"Yeah, we should exchange parents", I laughed. We chatted a little bit more until Jake eventually fell asleep. Being alone made me fall asleep as well.

The next morning was a bit different compared to the last weeks. We gathered at the foyer, but this time our individual guides picked us up. Jungwon brought me back to his room and showed me the profile of the human I'm supposed to take care of.
"His name is Kim Sunoo and he's a little bit younger than you. I picked someone your age on purpose so it'll be easier for you to do your job", Jungwon explained, while showing me a picture of him. I just nodded, quietly listening to his instructions.
"Do I have some sort of rules?", I asked him.
"Besides those you learned in class not really. However you do have to complete a mission", Jungwon replied.
"And that mission is?", I questioned.
"You need to fulfill his wish", he said and turned to me. I raised an eyebrow.
"And that wish is?", I anticipated an answer, but Jungwon just shrugged his shoulders.
"It's your task to find out", he just said and gave me a watch. "That's a tracker for you and Sunoo. He'll be able to call you that way and you'll be able to track him so make sure to keep that thing close to you", he changed the topic and explained me the watch. "There's a button on the upper side of the watch. If you push it you'll be immediately teleported directly to him or nearby him so keep a watchout for your landing. You'll be teleported back if you push the same button, but beware that you have to spend at least five minutes wherever you are to teleport. Time there and here is basically parallel to each other, so keep that in mind when going there. Little reminder: You can't harm people directly and you can't get harmed by them either. You must keep your identity a secret from everyone besides the human you care for and at the end of the project you must come back to our planet", Jungwon explained further.
"Not that this would ever happen, but what happens if I insist on staying in the human world?", I asked out of curiosity.
"They tear off your wings and you'll be damned there forever, unable to ever come back, also known as the 'ultimate betrayal of creatures'. Sounds painful, is probably painful, don't do it. Any other violation of the rules results in you being cancelled from the project and being sent back to your hometown. Other questions?", Jungwon went on, still talking in the same monotonous tone he used the whole time. I looked at him with a disturbed expression as I was still thinking about the ultimate betrayal part. "I'll take that as a no. You may push your button now", he simply instructed. I looked at him for a moment, assuring that I can really push it now. He just pointed at it with his chin and looked at me anticipating. I looked back to the watch and pushed the button, feeling a little tingle rushing through my body.

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