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His arms were tightly wrapped around my waist, making me blush flustered. I couldn't even react that fast, when he suddenly started lifting me. At first I thought he was just holding me, but then I realized that the gap between my feet and the floor got bigger and bigger. Right when I started to enjoy the feeling, he put me back on the floor. As I touched the ground, my legs felt heavy so I fell to my knees. Did I just fly for a split second? Unimpressed he just moved back to the front and looked down at me.
"And do you believe me now?", he just asked, this time knowing that I couldn't find a logical explanation for it.
"Do it again!", I demanded and got up from the floor.
"You wish", he just snapped.

After a time of me begging him to make me fly again and him denying my request we sat back down on the floor.
"Since you are my guardian angel, you should let me have my wish", I argued.
"Devil, respectfully, and I'm not your guardian angel. I'm not even a real guardian. I'm just someone who's participating in a weird project", Sunghoon explained.
"So who's my real guardian angel then?", I asked curiously.
"You don't really have a specific one. Guardian angels have around five to twenty humans they're watching over and they switch humans from time to time based on their skill. But as of right now you have a little arrogant self proclaimed genius, that's younger than both of us and who talks back a lot", he kept explaining and rolled his eyes at the end.
"Wait, age is a thing in your world?", I asked.
"Yeah. Our worlds are closer to each other than someone would think", he shrugged his shoulders.
"Like what for example?", I questioned.
"Our buildings look almost the same except ours are a little higher. We also have trains, but we don't have cars or buses. We dress the same way, except that we have holes for our wings", he listed a few.
"Do angels also have halos?", I asked excited
"No", he shook his head. My excitement immediately faded as he just stared at me.

We kept chatting about stuff as I asked about more things and he explained a bunch.
"But at what age can you fly then?", I asked.
"Since our bodies grow faster than our wings most of the time we can start lifting ourselves at the age of 4. But like really fly I think around the age of 8", Sunghoon explained.
"How do you take care of those?", I kept asking and pointed at his wings. He groaned loudly.
"When are you going to stop asking?", he questioned back exhausted.
"I'm sorry, but I'm just curious!", I excused my curiosity.
"By the way, when are you going to sleep. It's 1AM already", he noticed and pointed at the clock.
"Oh, damn! I have school tomorrow!", I panicked and stood up. "Uhm, how do you get home?", I turned to Sunghoon.
"By teleportation", he just replied and leaned back, supporting himself with his arms.
"I won't ask. But uhm I guess we see each other tomorrow...?", I awkwardly said, my voice getting higher at the end.
"Okey dokey", he casually said and got up. "If you need me just call me, but please don't", he then said. I wanted to ask how, but before I could he vanished into fin air and was gone. I then got ready for bed and went to sleep.

When I got up the next morning I was tired as hell. I thought about everything that happened yesterday and concluded that it must just have been a weird dream, but feeling this tired after a long time of me going to sleep early proved me otherwise. I haven't even done my homework and felt exhausted. This day just had to be a bad one.

On my way to school I met the same kid in the alley as always. He was still talking to weird dudes. I ignored him like always and entered the school building.

Classes were especially boring today. Maybe because so many things happened yesterday. It still felt surreal. The fact that Sunghoon exists is strange itself. But why me? And why now? Do the others also have guardian angels they can talk to? Then I remembered what he said. That I can call him anytime.

At lunch break I waited for everyone to leave the classroom. Then I thought about how to call him. Does just calling his name work?
"Sunghoon?", I said. Suddenly I heard a thud besides me. I looked down to see Sunghoon sitting on the floor. That was quick... He quickly got up and clapped the dirt off him.
"Gosh, I gotta learn how to land", he mumbled to himself.
"It worked...", I mumbled to myself.
"Anyway, what's it about?", he turned to me.
"Uh, I don't know. I was bored", I shrugged my shoulders.
"Really?", he raised an eyebrow. He then looked around the classroom and noticed that no one was here. "Where's everyone?", he asked.
"It's lunch break, so everyone went to the cafeteria", I answered.
"What about you then?", he questioned. I looked down, a little reluctant to answer.
"I-I don't have friends to sit with, so I usually don't go there", I stuttered murmuring.
"You don't have friends?", he asked bluntly. Embarrassed I just avoided eye contact. It seems as if he took it as an answer as he just mouthed an 'okay'. We spent the rest of my lunch break together, until we heard some students come back from the cafeteria. Sunghoon then vanished through teleportation, leaving me all alone again.

The rest of the school day was boring as hell. For some reason was this school day so much worse compared to the whole last week. But the lunch break was fun for once. I usually spent that time walking around the building or hiding in the library. I would never even imagine to socialize in that time. But since I know Sunghoon there was someone I could talk to, even if he's just my guardian for now. Even thinking about that is crazy...

After the lesson I went back home as usually. I decided to not disturb Sunghoon as I thought he wants to enjoy some free time too. After doing my daily studies for school I slipped into my pajamas and lied down, curiously waiting for tomorrow to happen.

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