Russia Russia Russia

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Date: February. I've had a busy few weeks. And with that, there are some things that I feel it's time to say.

No one is after my team. (At least for now). The reason I've been gone for so long, is because I'm on a spy mission. Some important assets in Syria were captured. And I've been in that country to work on trying to free them.

Things have been up and down for a while. And recently went very south.

A situation came up back home. Bad enough to possibly interfere with my mission. I called my top agent and told him about it, and explained that I needed help. And we agreed to help, with assistance from a Russian lady.

I also gave my asset back home, permission to tell my team what I'm doing, in case I need their help.

Today was quiet, until my agent called in the evening saying the case went south. I asked him if anyone knew what he was doing, he said no. He also said he was being followed.

Very concerning. I told him I'd look into it, and that I'd contact him again soon.

When times are tough, I have to involve the people I consider to be my family in ways that don't completely ruin the secretness of my missions. It sucks, But that's the cost of spy missions.

What I've been trained to do half my life, the work that I've done, it's who I am. And I can't change any of that. Does that make me too shady and too untrustworthy to lead a team? To an ordinary person, Yes. Does it make me the perfect person to lead a team of special agents who more or less save the world? Yes.

Do I wish I didn't have to be so secretive when these missions come up? Always. But, that's the cost of being on secret missions. All I can do is hope everyone understands when it's over. And, they do. All my people care about is if I'm okay, and that is more then I can ask for.

Well, I have to go.

Endnotes: Yes, you've read this correctly. I finally know what Hetty is doing and where she possibly is!

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