Silent Tears Chapter 6

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Grace's P.O.V.

After I ran away things started to go back to normal. I avoided Jake and all the others at school when they tried to talk to me, I never spoke again, I sat on my own. I had completely isolated my self from everyone and everything. My only peace was at night when I could curl up next to my window and stare at the night sky. The stars were the only thing that could possibly comfort me. It was torture having to ignore Jake, I'd only known him for a day but I felt closer to him then I have ever felt with anyone. But one good thing had come out of me ignoring Jake, Tyler hasn't bothered me. She has smirked at me a couple of times, but other than that I am very disappointed with her revenge. But I’m not one to complain.

I sighed and packed up my things as the teacher began to dismiss the class. It had been weeks since I had last seen Jake and I had been walking around in a sort of daze. Every now and then I would have a faint spell,or I would actually pass out, it was beginning to really annoy me. I hated showing weakness. I walked out of class after everyone had left avoiding the crowd of screaming teenagers. All talking about what they were doing this weekend or how much homework the teacher had given them. All of the petty worries a normal person has. Sadly I was not I was the person who had to worry about having a crush on a werewolf. Yes, I had accepted I had a crush on Jake. I couldn't help it. Darn him and his super-natural hotness.

Slowly, I walked home wondering what I was going to do for my birthday this Sunday. I normally just stay in and eat a pizza or watch a movie. But this was my eighteenth birthday, and I was determined to make it special. And I had a feeling this was going to be a very different birthday than what I was used to.

I stepped onto the porch and reached above the door, fishing for the spare key. I opened the door and walked into the kitchen, dropping my bag next to the door. “Grace, is that you?” Seriously woman, I've not spoken to you in three years, and everyday you ask a question that requires an answer from me. I loved her but she was so stupid. “Grace? Can you come in here please?” OK she sounds either; nervous, scared or confused. Maybe a bit of all of them.

Very curiously, I walked through to where I heard the voice from. I entered the room, and I saw everyone sitting with a solemn look on their face. And when I say everyone I mean. Mum, Dad and Sam who were all squished on the single sofa. And the man from the woods sitting on the armchair facing them. The man had a coffee in his hand and was looking a lot more relaxed than the my family. I glanced between the sofa and the chair. “Right, I am going to go. Good luck with telling her she has here mothers temper. She won't be happy.” What was he talking about? My mum doesn't have a temper. She never shouts. I gave a frustrated growl.

“WAIT!” I snapped my gaze to my father who had stood up from his space on the sofa, resulting in my mum falling to the side slightly. “If we have to tell her your staying. Your helping.” He had a hint of desperation in his voice. I just sat and watched as the man's head turned to look at my dad. Who flinched slightly before his face hardened. He stared back unwavering. “Your helping.” He repeated almost silently, but everyone could here him. Sitting back down on the way to cramped sofa, he looked at the man. Who turned to look at me. Wait! Me?

“Grace, you already know what I am. I heard Jake tell you.” I felt a sadness sweep over me as he spoke of Jake, as much as I hated him, I missed him so much. Then I registered what he said and was abruptly concerned about my parents. But my dad just sighed. “We know Grace.” I just turned to look at the man. Motioning for him to continue.

“My name is John, Alpha of the moonstone pack. You may not know much about werewolves, so the order of importance goes, Alpha, Alpha's mate or the Alpha Female, Alpha's second, then his mate, and finally Alpha's Third and his mate. When an alpha retires his eldest child takes over, most likely the female does not wish to be alpha and it's the eldest boy, who takes charge. If alpha has no children it goes on to his seconds children and so on. A person must have a mate to enter the scale of power, be that Alpha, Second, or Third.” I wondered what this had to do with me. “Your probably wondering what this has to do with you.” Mind reader! “Yes actually, I am.” Cool. A weird man that I ran into, in the forest, who also happens to be a werewolf. As well as a boy I might potentially like and his whole family. Can read minds! Wow, and they wonder why I messed up! John laughed, “So any ways, I have no children, no wait let me rephrase that. I have a daughter but she was adopted when my wife and her mother died. Well she's the heir to my pack, but the problem is she has no idea who she is. She believes her family is her birth family, and I’m scared to how she'll react. But she has to come with me. She is quite close to sixteen, the maturing age of a werewolf and a werewolf's first shift. For any wolf that's scary, for her it's dangerous. As she is so powerful she could hurt herself and many others if she shifts with a pack to help her.” He never blinked as he talked to me. “Grace have you ever wondered why you don't look like your parents. Or why you look so much like me? You have been having faint spells recently and you've been feeling weak and tired all the time. You feel lost and alone. And why you felt at home when you were at the pack house.” I didn't want to hear it but I could stop listening. I wanted to run away but I was frozen. Like a deer caught in headlights. To startled to even contemplate moving out the way of the big car, hurtling towards me at a deadly pace. Thankfully my dad decided to help John.

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