ᴀ ᴅᴇᴀʟ || ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ

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"Hey." Gilda called. "When you say investigation, you mean climbing over the gates and checking what's outside, right? But what do we do about the trackers?"

"About that!" Emma spoke up. "All we need to do is divert the adult's attention!"

"Exactly." Norman nodded. "All we have to do is to distract Mama and Sister Krone so that they don't check our location. We're going to create a situation where those two definitely won't be looking at their pocket watches. And quickly execute our inspection while those two are looking elsewhere."

"But how?"

"Ray's already got Mama under control. He's currently feeding her false information."

You smiled. I was the one who suggested punching Ray and Norman in the face to make it look like they fought over that... and I was also the one who actually punched them in the face.

You didn't feel bad about it at all.

"Guys... I get that Ray has Mama under control, but what about Sister Krone?" Don asked.

"Yeah! If she finds out, it's game over."

"Don't worry." Norman reassured them. "I've got a plan for her as well."

It's time... You turned your gaze to your side.

Smiling, you thought to yourself, There you are.

Sister Krone.

The other four were silent for a while, until Norman spoke up. "Do you need any—"

"I saw everything."


"I heard your entire conversation in the dining hall~!"

"The target! It includes all 6 of you!"

"Norman..." She turned to the albino, seeing his face lose all façade. "Emma..." She saw the ginger frozen in fright. "Ray..." Her grin grew wider. "Gilda..." She turned to the girl that clung to Emma, who shivered under her gaze. "Don..." She looked at the boy who stood still. "And Y/n."

You locked gazes with her. Yours was indifferent and cold, you looked at her with boredom, since this scene was one you fairly knew of, remembered, and nothing new will happen, thus the look of indifference on your face. Hers, on the other hand, was amused and delighted, as if trying to scare a reaction out of you.

Is she trying to get me back at me for that time? You raised an eyebrow.

"So..." She continued after a moment of silence. "Would you like to team up with me?"


You saw that everyone else was tense, but Norman on the other hand, smiled. "Stay calm, you guys. Let's see what she has to say."

"All I'm asking is for us to join forces in order to help each other achieve our goals."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your goal is to escape. My goal is to become the Mama of this House." Krone rested her hand on her chest, gesturing to herself. "My ultimate wish is to drag Isabella out of her position and snatch it for myself."

"Her position...?"

"Just to make sure you know; I'm telling nothing but the truth right now. In an essence, my goal is to also escape—" She unbuttoned her collar, to reveal her number. 18694. "—From my current position."

She then shot you and question. "Do you know how the rules of this system are organized?"

"Girls who successfully clear a certain set of requirements and end up living here until the age of twelve are given 2 options to choose from." You answered her. "To be killed. Or train to become a Mama."

【 ᴄᴏɴǫᴜᴇʀɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ || ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇᴅ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ ғғ】Where stories live. Discover now