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Harry was beyond excited to finally meet Louis for the first time ever since they started to talk on the internet. They have been dating online for three months now and summer is finally here and Louis, being the great boyfriend he is decided to visit Harry in holmes chapel. 

Louis told him that he probably arrived at 4 PM, then checked in at the hotel he was staying; take a quick shower and off to the cafe he promised to meet Harry in. 

The cafe wasn't that far from Harry's house so Harry decided to missed dinner and snuck out of his house to meet Louis at the cafe at around 6. 

Harry was sitting in the corner of the cafe, with a small cup of tea on the table, he was too shy to order that the lady came up to him and asked if he would like some tea so he nodded afraid of being too rude if he declined the offer. but right now his attention was either on his phone or the front door. 

He has sat here for about 20 minutes and the last text he got from Louis was 

i'm on my way x  

he decided it won't hurt to call him, just for confirmation where exactly is right now. he wasn't that nervous to call Louis, since they have facetime quite alot and sometimes call each other during the weekend. 

"I'm parking."  was the first thing Louis said when he picks up. Harry's heart was beating faster than before knowing Louis is right outside the small cafe. 

"Okay," Harry whispered. he didn't want to bother everyone in the cafe if he speaks up, not that anyone would mind and they were barely people sitting near Harry but he was still scared he might bothered someone. "I'm in the corner, near the bathroom." 

He heard Louis groaned on the other line and a sound of a car door shutting. he was so near Harry could just run outside and finds where he parks but then again everyone will be looking at him if he does that and he didn't like being the center of attention.

"Can you move, please? i don't want to sit near the bathroom." 

Harry didn't want to move, he likes being in the corner and there weren't many people coming in and out of the bathroom anyways. "No," 

"Okay, i'm going in." Louis said before hanging up. 

Harry took a deep breath and stare at the door, nervously. he was finally going to see Louis. The boy who cares so much about him, the boy he actually cares about. 

the little bell rang, signalling someone walks in. Harry looked at the small guy by the door, looking around the cafe until his eyes met Harry's.

Harry smiles, still not standing up and watch as Louis walks towards him with a huge grin. 

"Harry," Louis started and Harry decided then he could stand up and ran to Louis who was only two tables away, giving him a tight hug so Louis did the same, hugging him back. Harry pulled away when he feels like someone was starring, he didn't like it when a stranger was starring at him. 

Harry just awkwardly went back to his previous chair while Louis followed him and sat on the other chair, accross from Harry. 

"Look at you, you're even prettier in real life." 

Harry's cheek turns red at his words. Louis was already being flirty and Harry hasn't said a word. 

"Um, I-" Harry started. "Do-do you want  to order?" 

Louis looks at the counter that has the menus on a board above it. He was sure Louis can't read anything on the board from their table but they both know the menus probably aren't very different than other cafes. 

"Yeah, do you want anything?" Louis asked, standing up. 

Harry shook his head, no. looking down at this half empty tea. it was already cold but Harry isn't going to order another one. 

Once Louis returned to their seats, with a large cup of tea and a plate of cookies Harry look up to the blue eyed man, he never notice how bright his eyes are until now. he was alot shorter than Harry had expected. They both know Harry was taller, they often talk about their heights but he was way smaller than he claimed to be.

"We're sharing this, okay love?" Louis smiled and Harry's heart sank to hear the endearment. Louis has a bunch of pet names for him but hearing him said it when they are actually face to face made him so happy. 

"Um, i'm not hungry." Harry whispered like it was a secret. 

"You don't have to whisper, you know." Louis smiled. Louis knew Harry has social anxiety, but Louis wanted to make sure that its okay to talk louder than a whisper. 

Harry just nodded, starting to feel uncomfortable of how comfortable Louis is right now while he was watching everyone in the room, afraid of any of them judging him for sitting there. 

"Do you want to leave?" Louis asked when he saw how uncomfortable Harry was. "We can go to my hotel or the park or-" 

"I have to go home!" Harry's eyes widen once he realized what time is it. it was almost seven in the evening and his step father is about to come home. "Its late." 

"Alright, i'll drive you, yeah?" Louis volunteered but Harry shook his head, no. 

"No, i'll be fine." He stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow?" 

Louis stood up as well, taking Harry's hand and pulled him closer. Harry felt awkward, he knows Louis for months now but they never actually hold hands or hug and this all feels weird. It feels like a stranger is holding him. 

To Louis surprised Harry isn't hugging him back, so he decided to pull away and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Until tomorrow," 

Two Weeks With LouisWhere stories live. Discover now