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I was on my way to the room to talk to mom. Since it was to loud so i have to go to my room.
"Hy mom" i said
"Hi, how are you? You should have some with us here" she said
"I'm good, nah i think here is more fun" i said
"Yo---Okay so you don't want to meet your brother in law huh?" Mom was about to speak but got cut off by my sister
"Nope, i already know who is it" i said
"Pshh shut up you don't,and if you do tell me what is his name" she ask
"You think idk, its jake" i smirk
" wait- how the fuck did you know, i haven't even told you before. Wait- did you stalked me"
"Stalking is my thing and yoursto" i said
"But didn't we promise not to stalk each other anymore" she said
"Did we? Or did i break the promise" i said smirking
"You little brat,how did you stalk" she said
"I have my ways" i said
"Spill out"she said
"I told yo-"
"Not that"
"You have a bf don't you" she said.
"Yeah technically"
"Omg congratsssss. How old is he?what is his name"she said
"Geez what's with all the question" i ask
"Just answer me"
"Ryan and he's the same age as me"i said
"If he was a year older than you it would be so cool" she said
"Haha funny" i said sarcastically
"You're not fun" she said
While on my way i feel like someone is following me. I didn't even dared to turn back. I was scared as fuck.
"Ik you know feel me" he said. Ik this voice. Its kris. Damn it, i forgot that I'm here all aloneand if i run back he will be able to catch me and if i run forward- he may trap me. Should i entered of the room.
"I- how's dad" i ask. I didn't know what to do. But i still acted like i can't hear him. After a min or so i can feel that he is not around me anymore.
" he's good"
"Got to go bye have fun" i said hanging up without letting her speak
I look slowly at the back but there was no one. I sigh. I turn again and was about to go back to my room. Who knows if he is still out there.
I turn back infront and Kris was right in front of me. Is he a Vampire or something. I'm scared,what is he going to do to me?. I walk slowly slowly backwards, and he kept coming closer and closer. I have to run. That's the only thing that could actually save me rn is to run. I push and him and took this change to run but because i was dumb. I fogot that i wore heels. I almost fall down. I quickly got up but before i could even run he grab my wrist. I was struggling to get out from his grib but he was just to strong. He then remove his hands and pulled me. He started kissing me. I push him as hard as i can.
Just because boys are more stronger than us(girls) they are taking advantage of it.
He let go of me but he make i won't be able to run so he trap me against the wall"Ooh so you got a bf now huh" he said
"None of your business" i said looking away which make he scoff
"Why don't you leave him and come with me"he said. I look at him in disbelief. Tears are started to form in my eyes
"What happen to you? You have change alot. I li- like the old you not this"i said looking straight into his eyes
"Everyone change. I change and so do you" he said smilling
"How you smile at this moment" i said
"Can't i" he said
"You're unbelievable" i scoff
He raise one of his eyebrow"Well to late if you haven't slap me earlier this wouldn't happen"he said. I widened my eyes.
"Wh-what do you mean" my eyes were filled with terror. He didn't even replied to me. He started kissing me again but this time he didn't let go of me. He push us to one of the room which is Kevin's room. He let me go for a second. I looked at him he was removing his t-shirt. I tried to get out from there but he pulled me and push me in the bed.
"You're not going anywhere, you will pay for it" he said jumping on top of me
He started removing all my clothes leaving me naked. He kiss me hard, like he was starving for it. He then went down to my breast bitting my nipples, then he went down opening his pants. With what he did next was disgusting. He inserted his dick on me. I tried getting out from him,i even push him but it was useless. He didn't have mercy, he went on without stopping. I was starting to become weak. Slapping skins can be heard. Now i can't just stay still like this. I don't want to have his child. I have to do something. I started shouting using all my energy i have. Please someone help me.
"Shout all you want but no one will hear you, as you can see no one is here"he said. He was right? I have loosen all my hope. Pls someone help me.
Just then the door pop open and before i could look at this person. My eyes starting to blured. I blink a couple of times and saw it was Jay. He started beating Kris.
"How dare you" Jay said
"You little piece of sh-" he beat him but then saw me nake he got up from there and give his coat. This is embarassing.
Kris took this chance to get out. He took his clothes and run away. Jay was about to run after him but i stop him from going
"Pls don't leave me" i said
"Ok i won't"he said giving me a reassuring smile
I took those clothes from the floor and went to the bathroom to get change.
"I will go g-get change"i said wipping my eyes
I went to the bathroom and i look ay myself in the mirror. I look messy. I wanted to cry but i can't. I quickly change and brush my hair. I still look messy but i will go and get change in my room. I can't believe Jay saw me me naked but if it weren't for him who knows i might be pregnant with child.
After I'm done i went outside. My legs were killing me. I can't even walk properly. I was going to fall but then he hold me, one in his waist and one in my hand.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"You want me to take you to your room"he said
"No its okay i ca-"
"C'mon lets go"
"Its oka-
"Don't keep telling me you're okay" he said sounding serious
"I-" before i even start spraking one of tears drop
"Its okay don't cry I'm here" he said wipping my eyes
"Pl-pls don't tell Ryan what happen, if anything happen just don't tell him. I don't want him to know" i said then he hug me, just then the door pop open. It was kevin and the others.
"Y-y/n" Ryan called out. I look at him
"It not what yo-"
"So this is what you want tp show me" Ryan said looking at kevin
"I-"  i look at kevin
"I didn't expect this from you, Espeacially u jay" Ryan said and went away but i held his wrist
"It's not what you think it is" i said. Rushing my sentence just so Ryan won't interrupt me
"Then tell what is it"he said
"I-" i couldn't tell him,i was scared so i kept quite
He scoff " don't need to explain anymore i can tell by your look"he said looking up and down
"Messy hair, your clothes are all messed up and look at the condition of the bed, that explains everthing to why were you late and jay to" he said
"Its not what you think"i said
"Ok whatever u say"he said.
"What's going on here, the guest are waiting for you guys down"  Ryan dad came as long as Ryan's mother.
"What's going on" Ryan's mom said
"You can ask her what happen"he said looking at me
"Ryan its all mis-" Jay was about to speak but Ryan throw him a punch. I eyes widened.
"RYAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING MOVE" i said pushing him from Jay
"So you're protecting him now"Ryan said and i just look at him covering Jay so that Ryan won't have the chance to beat him
"I see what's going on here, let's end this right here"he said. Tears started falling.
"Can you just believe me" i said with a soft tone
"Believe that you just fuck"he said
"Its not like that"
"So you're telling me a kidnapper came and fuck you or an alien came"he said and slap him on his face
"Can't you stop saying that" i said
"Why do you care anyways, you don't even care if i die at this point" i said
"Can't you see i like you, i have fallen in love with you"he said tears started rolling on his face. I was speechless
He then laugh. How can he laugh at this matter "its fake anyways". He spilled out everything, everyone was shock.  He was about to go away but i pulled him
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. I HATE YOU" he shouted at me,pushing me Those last three words. It hurts. It hurts as well
He then came back but this time he bought my suitcase as long with him
"Leave right now"he said pulling me
"Ryan ryan what are you doing"i can hear all of them saying from behind.
When reach downstairs people were staring at us. He then throw me outside
"Ryan no no RYAN" I said. He push me outside the house which makes me fall on the ground
"Leave don't ever dare to come back here in this house. How don't you dare talk to me again" he said
"Ryan" i said. But just then Kris came smirking at me. Blood were boiling inside me. Its all because of him.
I quickly got up and went near him and grab him by his collar
"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT, ITS ALL YOUR fault" i said crying continuously.
"How is it my fault. You cheated on him youself" Kris said
"Is all you FAULT, YOU HAR-"
"That I'm your first love or that you kiss me today" he told. Ryan just widened his eyes in shock and as long as the other's
"Shut up, it was you who-"
"Y/N JUST GET THE FUCK OUT FROM HERE" Ryan shouted. Pulling my hand
Then Kevin came and stop him" its not what you think, you're misunderstanding the situation" Kevin said
"Isn't this what you want?" He said to Kevin
"No i do not, Today what happen is-"
"So you knew aboutit but decided not to tell me" he said and Kevin just kept his head down
" i can explain"
"I don't want any  explanations from you and you stay out from it. I want to hear it from her,why didn't she tell me. Oh i see you want your First love back huh. So you decided to keep and quite and date him behind my back"Ryan said looking at me
"RYAN, Can't you just listened to her just once" Jay said
"That it was a misunderstanding. It was Kris who fuck her" he said.
"Jay" i said lookinv him. Givinghim not-to-tell-him look
He scoff"I didn't expect this from you you jay, can you do this to me"he said
"Just get out from here,i don't want to hear any of these anymore" he said pointing me to the gate
"GET OUT" He said pulling me again throwing me outside and closing the gate.
No i was there left alone. I don't what to dom i sat there in front of the gate crying none stop. Then suddenly it started raining heavily but i just sat there without moving. I got from there started walking. I didn't know where to go since i wasn't familiar with the place.
I decided to call Mary or Lyn. I called Mary 5 times but she didn't pick up so i called lyn
"Hello?" Lyn said
"Lyn" i cried
"Y/n y/n what happen, are you crying?" she said
"I'm lost"i said
"Wdym lost?"
"I'm in the road all by myself and its ra-raining  heavenly. Idk where to go" i said
"Send me the location i will track"
"O-ok done" i said
"Ok then i will come now. Just stay there don't go anywhere okay" she said. Just then i can see the car light flashingm my eyes widened. The last thing i can remember is i got hit by the car.


"Ok then i will come now. Just stay there don't go anywhere okay?" I said
But all of i sudden i hear from the other side of the car brakes noises
"Y/n y/n Y/N don't scared me, Y/N talk to me"i said
"Hello ma'am are you okay"i cam from the other side saying
Don't tell me she just got herself on an accident. My eyes widened
"Hello hello"i called out
"Is sh-she okay" i ask
"I don't think so. I will take her to the hospital. I will send you the location" its a male voice
He sent me the location. I quickly call the cab and went there. What happen to her. She sounds so hurt. I decided to call Mary first to let her know what happen but she wasn't picking up her phone
"Why isn't she picking up"i thought to myself. Instead of wasting my time calling Mary who isn't picking up i decided to call Ryan. Tears rolles down my eyes. Hope she is okay.


After i got rid of y/n i went inside
"Let's go inside"i told everyone
"But-" Kevin said
"Go inside i said"i look deadly at him. He was scared so he just went inside
"I'm sorry for you have to see this drama" i said apologizing to everyone
"So you were just acting as a real couple" Mom said in a worried eyes and i nodded and went away. I didn't want to talk to anyone
"Drama?" Jay said to at me after everyone went back to what they were doing. I rolled my eyes and just left him there. I just didn't want to talk to him. I went back to my room,i close the door and sat on the floor and started crying. I didn't this from y/n. I hate her. I hate her to death. It was bound to happen anyways Suddenly it started raining heavily. Y/n is in the rain. I look outside of the window and saw she was sitting on the ground not moving, she kept on crying and crying. I can't believe her. Why do i care anyways. I went back and jump on bed, curling my body into a ball and slept thinking about what just happen just now. A thunderstorm came and as long as lightning. Is she okay? No no i shouldn't think about her.
Suddenly my phone rang it was lyn. I just hang up at first. I already know she is going to lecture me
She then called again and i decided to just pick up and hear her lecture
"Why didn't you pick up this is serious" she said sobbing
" wh- why are you crying" i ask
"Y/- y/n ju-just had an accident " she said


What do you think will happen? Could she lost her memory? Nah no way that could happen

I HATE YOU | RYAN AZNGAMIWhere stories live. Discover now