Chapter 1

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Yeah it's my first attempt on writing a fanfiction, so please don't judge me haha. It's just a English essay and I didn't know what to write and we were allowed to write fanfiction BUT we had to upload it on Wattpad so here it is. Hope you enjoy. And yep, it's one of those Destiel/Sabriel fanfictions again. (P.O.V= Point of view A/N= Author's Note)

Sam's P.O.V.

It was just another of those day where I got to a new school (AGAIN) together with my big brother. My brother and I loved eachother but we didn't really had a good kind of relationship, Dean always supported my dad and I wasn't really sure why. I didn't really like my dad, he kind of ruined my childhood. When I disagree he would beat me and when I said I didn't want this kind of life and I want to go to school He would kick me even harder. I was mostly alone. Sometimes Dean and I went on a hunt, but we didn't really talk that much. I missed my mom.. she died when I was just a little boy. No one in my family wanted to talk about her. And when I asked Dean, he would just tell me to shut up and then he went out side and got to the nearest bar. Probably just fixing another girl or something. It's hard but it's okay. I'm used to being a freak.

"Hey, you are the new kid right?" a strange boy came up to me. "I'm Gabriel, I'm also kind of new here so yeah.. maybe we could stick together or something?". This Gabriel guy seemed nice so I agreed then at least I would have one friend on my first day and I wouldn't be the loner.

Dean's P.O.V.

Another day on a new school together with "Little Sammy" sureeee...
Well it's okay, I know dad is busy. But it's just hard without him around you know.. it's just me and Little Sammy and I'm the grown up one so that makes me the parent. It's weird to take care of someone when you are only 18 years old, but he is family, my little brother so I can't reject him. I love him, I love Little Sammy but our relation ship is weird. It feels like he doesn't really like me or adore me. Everybody does. I've always been the cool kid, the number one. So why doesn't my brother see me like a rolemodel? It's okay we are equal. The only reason I sometimes hate Sam is because he always wants to talk about mom.. And I just can't do it man.. It hurts, I miss her. She was the one who kept this family together. And now only dad and I go on hunts together and Sammy stays home or something.. It's not fair.

"Hey you!" I turn around and see a girl standing there. She is beautiful, she is not like any of the girls I met before. It's not that I instantly fell in love acctually I have never really been in love. "Me?" I ask her. "Yeah, you handsome. Hey you are new here right? I can show you around.. if you want." she said to me. I was kind of shocked. Did she just call me "handsome"? Weird. "Yeah sure, why not? It's never wrong to get some help on your first day. I'm Dean by the way. Dean Winchester." . "Hello Dean, I'm Anna, Anna Novak. Where are you from?" . People keep asking me where I come from, yeah I know I'm from Kansas but I have only lived there for a few years? "Everywhere acctually, I kind of live on the road with my father and brother." I said quickly. "You?". "I'm from New York acctually, moved here a few years ago. I like it here, it's my new home. I live here with my 4 brothers Lucifer, Gabriel and Micheal." We were walking trough the school, I wasn't really noticing what she was saying. But then I realised. "Four brothers you said? Who is the fourth one?" We walk into a classroom and then I realize everyone is looking at me and Anna already sat down. I felt kind of ashamed but I'm not going to show it. "I will ask it after class". I whisper to myself.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

That new kid is acctually really cute. He is tall and handsome and he has beautiful green eyes. Yeah I know people will think I'm a freak or just something weird if I ever tell them I'm gay. But I really like this kid. We don't need to have kids and a relationship right away.. It's just he is really handsome and he is a really nice guy. Come on Gabe.. Think about something else! Think about other cute guys.. uhm.. what about David Tennant. Yeah you know, he is tall and handsome. You and Sam are just friends.

"Hey uhm.. if you want we could maybe hang out after school? But can we please just hang at your place? Because, uhm.. yeahh.. I live in a motel with my big brother and father so..? If you want." I heard Sam say. "I would love to!!" Shit! I said that way to quick and waaayy to excitet. I don't want to scare him! Shit.. What did I do.. Let's maybe just joke about it? Or maybe he is going to say something so it won't be awkward. Uhm, he is just smiling. Don't smile Sam! You don't know what it does to me. HOW CAN I BE SO OBSESSED WITH SOMEONE AFTER 1 DAY?! Okay keep calm Gabriel.. keep calm. Let's just keep this conversation going. "Uhm.. we could take the bus together if you want? Or maybe you or on a bike or something? You know where I live? Ohw uhhh.. no you don't ofcourse.. STUPID! Maybe I could ask if my dad could pick us up, but I'm not sure if he wants too.. you know.. I'm sorry.. I keep asking stuff and I keep talking but I never really had some friends in my house."

Sam's P.O.V.

[ ... ] ... never really had some friends in my house." 'Friends'.. It sounds so weird coming from Gabriel's mouth. I don't know why but I really really like this guy. No not in a gay way. Just friends. I'm lucky to have someone as funny as Gabriel and as good looking as Gabriel. Wait.. did I really just say that..? I'm not gay.. I dated a lot of girl. And what does it matter. Gabriel is hetro as f*ck so let's forget it. "Hey Gabe, my big brother has a car so maybe if I ask really nicely.. he could bring us to your places and pick me up at night?". "Yeah, that sounds like a plan." Gabriel said. I wanted to call Dean to ask if he is okay with this plan but then I saw that this class is done in 5 minutes and then I could just find him and ask him. But when I looked outside I saw Dean standing outside. "And ofcourse on the first day he had to get a girl. Seriously Dean.. Why?!" I said a little bit too loud. I think Gabriel heard me and I don't know why but he is looking really angry at Dean and that girl. I heard a weird sound and before I could realize we were done I saw Gabriel running out of the classroom. I tried to run after him but he was really fast. "Gabriel! Gabe!!" I quess he can't hear me? OR he doesn't want to hear me?

Dean's P.O.V.

[ .... ] .. Gabe!!" I heard Sammy screaming. Hm.. probably nothing. Hey, I'm talking to this cute girl and now I can finally ask about that fourth brother and maybe we could like.. hang out after school. I looked Sam's way, to see what's going on. And I saw a little guy with blond/brown hair walking up to me. I laughed because he looked like a weird kind of Hobbit. I laughed a bit, but when I wanted to talk to Anna I noticed he was walking towards us. "Is this your boyfriend or something?" I said while laughing. Anna gave me this weird look and I immediately stopped laughing. When the guy came closer Anna said hi to him and he kept looking angry at me and I still didn't understand why. "Uhm, Dean.. this is one of my little brothers.. Gabriel." AWKWARD! At that point Sammy joined the awkward conversation. "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER YOU LITTLE PERVERT. DONT EVEN TRY. I KNOW YOUR KIND. YOU GUYS TRY TO MAKE EVERY GIRL FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU, YOU HAVE SEX WITH THEM AND THEN YOU DUMP THEM LIKE THEY ARE NOTHING!! BUT THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN TO MY SISTER SO BACK OFF!" Well.. this went terribly wrong.. "Uhm.. little boy..euhh Gabriel, nothing is going on between your sister and me she just showed me around and stuff just like my little brother Sammy."

Gabriel's P.O.V.

[ ... ] ... just like my little brother Sammy." Wait what.. so.. Sam i-is.. hi-i-is brother? I felt my head turning red. Sam's brother or not he can't hurt my sister, not while I'm around. "Gabe.. just calm down nothing is going on okay. I acctually wanted to ask Dean if he wanted to come over for dinner tonight?" She turned her head to Dean "Yeah that's a good idea Dean! I was planning on going to Gabriel's house after school so maybe you could give me and Gabe a ride?" Sam said happy. Yeah, sure let's all pretent like nothing happend... We all got in Dean's car (by the way a beautiful Chevy Impala 67) and drove to our house.

A/N: oehhh.. there is a little Sabriel already happening. And no no the DeanxAnna ship isn't sailing (sorry for people who ship it) they are just friends. Castiel will probably come in the next chapter I have a little idea about what I wanted to do and about how they meet and stuff but I just need to find the right moment.

My guy in the trenchcoat [Destiel/Sabriel]Where stories live. Discover now