12 • Pang

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Hyemi's mouth is agape mentally as her eyes roam around the upper-class interiors of the Song company

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Hyemi's mouth is agape mentally as her eyes roam around the upper-class interiors of the Song company. Never has she known Hongjoong is working at such a fancy building like this.

Even the people in here represent definition of luxury.

As if it isn't impressive enough, a giant banner located in the middle of the immense lobby catches her attention. Only people who are parts of significant events have their names and pictures displayed on this electric light emitting object.

The girl is left in awe even more once she sees there are only four main designers who make it in the list.

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Main designers

• ...........................
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Kim Hongjoong
• ...........................

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"This is worth his effort, isn't it?" Hyun speaks, unable to hide how proud he feels towards the young man.

Unconsciously, a genuine smile  blooms on Hyemi's face as she takes in one more look at Hongjoong's picture before fully turning to face the middle-aged man.


*°• ✧ *•°๑

After taking a lift together, Hyun and Hyemi finally reach the floor where Hongjoong's office is. They soon part ways as the man makes way to his office which is in the opposite direction.

Seeing the name tag that reads 'DESIGNER TEAM' in capital, Hyemi can be certain this is the right place. Despite the slightly ajar door, she still wants to knock for the sake of respect for the workers in the room.

It's almost 7pm and there are people who still working. So Joong isn't the only one.

Quickly, a guy opens the door. While beckoning her to sit on the rolling chair near Hongjoong's desk, he explains on behalf of his coworker's absence.

"Hongjoong has been out a bit. Probably be back soon."

"Oh. Thank you."

After a moment of silence, they both make brief introductions to one another as the male initiates beforehand to shoo awkwardness away.

"I'm Hwangwoong by the way. Yet, everyone just calls me Woong for short."

"I'm Hyemi. Nice to meet you, Woong." the latter breaks into a small smile as they finally make a proper eyecontact.

Their conversation continues for like a lapse of 10 minutes and Hyemi feels less tensed somehow thanks to his friendliness. Not to mention, both of them are actually same age which the newly acquaintances seem to engage more eagerly.

Not until they get startled by a girl's head peeks in when the door swings open all of a sudden.

"We have a guest?" entering the room, the girl asks while averting her gaze from Hyemi to Hwangwoong.

To be fair, this girl is pretty. With fluffy pink pastel dress flowing down to her ankles, doll-like might be the right word to describe her.

"She is Hongjoong's friend," Woong speaks and Hyemi nods in confirmation towards the girl.

As if something comes to mind after a brief moment of scanning Hyemi's face, her eyes go wide followed by a gasp.

"It's you!"

"What do you meaー"


As much as Hyemi wants to ask what the girl means, Hongjoong's voice just beats her to it. He barges in with his hand reaches out to grab the other girl's shoulder all of a sudden. It looks very much like he is chasing after this girl for something, judging by the raising tone in his whisper yell.

"Hang on!" Taken aback, the pretty girl immediately walks backwards as her head whips to see his approach. An object in her grip is hid behind her back.

Mindlessly pacing backwards, she is unable to notice the swivel chair behind which expectedly causes her to trip. The back of her head will be the first to collide with the floor which is super dangerous if she falls.

Hongjoong has his eyes widenned in shock but momentarily places one hand under her head to prevent it from hitting the floor. As a result, the male falls with her as well.

Although the girl's head is safe thanks to his quick reaction, the colleagues ends up landing onto the floor in such a weird position. Their faces are nothing but beyond close. His other hand is supporting his body as it makes contact with the floor, next to either side of her head.

The female who is under him seems to be all in a fluster. She can't help but feel her cheeks heaten up because of the sudden up close distance.

No one expect the scene happens like a romantic movie.

"Hah, there it is!"

On the other hand, Hongjoong forgets the awkward ambience right away when the object reveals itself in her open grip.

His beloved phone.

Not moving an inch from the girl as if the current position has nothing to do with him, he gets the phone back in relief like there is something in it which is not mean to be exposed to anyone.

Leaving his spot with a scoff, Woong shuffles in haste to help them up from the ground without noticing the blank look on Hyemi's face as she stares at the sight.

"Kim, you have a guest," Woong says to the red haired boy who still has no idea about Hyemi's presence so far.

"Who? I see no one here?"

Hongjoong asks in confusion as he sees no one other than three of them in the room. His question causes Woong to turn around, to find the chair which Hyemi sits is now vacant.

"Did she leave?"



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Oops. It's been a while!! 😯

Anyway, what's possibly hidden in Hongjoong's phone? 😏

Kindly cast votes/ comments if you think my writings deserve your support. o(•˙︶˙•)o

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