Max Verstappen pushed his car, his rivals, and Victoria Williams to the limit, hired to be his public relations, Victoria spends 24 hours with him, her flaws and qualities shake Max's life and heart.
Just when Max thought he had his life figured out...
"Vic?" - I hear Max's sister speak from the other side of the door after knocking on the door
"Come in Victoria." - I speak and put the movie I was watching on my laptop on pause, I look at the door and Victoria calmly walks in - "What's up?" - I straighten up and sit on the bed, and Victoria lies on her back staring at the ceiling.
"I'm bored" - she speaks - "I texted my friends, and they're either in university or they are too busy with their husbands and their kids." - she speaks and looks at me - "I could be the one to have that life you know?"
"What Victoria life?" - I finally put my computer on the bed and face her
"The married woman with kids." - she lowers her head sadly staring at the bedspread - "If I hadn't ended my relationship with Tom"
"Victoria, you ended the relationship because you weren't happy in it, do you think getting married and having children would change anything?" - I question playing Victoria's older sister, I'm sure she has a good relationship with Max, but this wasn't a conversation she would want to have with him, and besides there are things that are easier to talk about with a friend than with your own family.
"Is that why you broke off your engagement Victoria?" - she speaks and looks again - "You once told me that you got engaged and broke off your engagement, do you regret it?" - she questions me.
"No Victoria, I don't regret it, if I did it it was because it had to be done." - I speak - " Things were amazing Victoria until my public relations career became international, then I was always traveling, always in contact with new people, I rarely saw Matt, and he suffered from that Victoria, he wanted marriage, children, a house, he wanted a kind of life that I at that moment I could not give him, and I if I continued with him I would be spoiling the opportunity for him to be happy with someone who wanted the same as him."
"Even if he loved you? And even if you loved him ?" - she questions again, I know Victoria has had several relationships, and that with age, she will learn to have a different perspective on relationships, and that love is not enough to make a relationship work and that even if the two loved each other, simply love is not enough
"Still Victoria." - I state, trying to bring the subject to a close.
" Urg, why is love so complicated." - she speaks and stares at the ceiling of my room again.
"Love isn't complicated, we who have the idea that it is complicated, and sometimes we complicate it by creating too many expectations in other people Vic." - I conclude - " Love is one of the best things in life.
"What a depressing conversation." - she finally says and gets up from the bed and starts looking at me - "Let's go out tonight, enjoy the night"
"You know what, I should probably say no, but why not, a person only lives once right? But you have to lend me something to wear Victoria, I didn't bring anything." - I say and she looks at me with a special gleam in her eye.
"I have the perfect outfit for you Victoria, it will look so good on your body, just wait here a minute." - Victoria quickly leaves and I take the opportunity to text Charles.
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