Chapter I - Dreams

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A few days had passed to the events at the island, and there was still a lot to process

Tony was pacing about in his room, very agitated, his eyes all bloodshot, all of his body trembling. "Oh T.J where could he be?"

A person with a bunged-up sounding voice piped up to respond to Tony "There's a high possibility he's just been eaten by a dinosaur, it's best to just accept it, I'm sorry."

"SHUT UP NED!" Tony collapsed to his desk, his hands on his head. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do. Innocent lives were lost in that park! There will be reports of them being missing sooner or later! Also the fact I've lost my best friend.. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME!"

"Umm...  you need to take a rest, otherwise you're going to go insane."

"I'm past that point, boy. What will I do if the police find out about the park? They'll lock me up! Never to be seen again! I can't let that happen to me DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"As your advisor, LISTEN to me, I'll handle everything now YOU get some rest... when was the last time you slept?"

"The last time was when I was on that DANG island."

"Yep, that's very unhealthy. I'll see you soon, hopefully then you'll be well rested." Ned left the room and Tony collapsed.


"Hello, Tony."

"TJ! Boy am I glad to see you? Heh, I thought you were gone out there!"

"Oh I will be gone, if you don't come and get me, you COWARD."


"Well, Anthony, it seems you've forgotten me on the island, you had no clue wether I was alive or not, but you didn't care, you just, well, left me. No matter how close I thought we were you left me for dead, why?"

"I'll come and get you, I promise!"

"Tick, tock, tick, tock. You know what that means? Your time is running out."

"Wh-yes of course I know that just, STAY THERE!.




Tony gasped and his eyes widened as he steadily picked himself off of the ground. "Urgh, of course that was just a dream... why was I on the floor?" He peered outside of the window, dark. He looked at his clock. 4:17am "I should probably get back to sleep." And so he stumbled onto his bed, and snored.


"I'm dead because of you, Tony."

"Finley, I'm so sorry, wait, how are you here?"

"THAT'S not important, what is important is that you've killed and abandoned all of us here" what appeared to be TJ

"Oh my Lord, Nathan, Albert, Ethan, Wendy, Kate, Oliver, Julia and of course you,  TJ, I'm just so sorry I left you all here, but mark my words I will return to the island and save you all!"

"Half of us are already dead, so you better act fast or it'll be the whole of us." Wendy said, everyone seemed to be approaching Tony at this point.

"Guys? What are you going to do to me? C-can you stop slowly walking towards me? It's freaking me out! I'll search for all of you when as soon as I get the chance ok?... OK?" Loud footsteps were heard, and Tony looked behind him to see a Tyrannosaurus Rex about to kill him, it opened it's mouth and swallowed him.

And just like that, Tony awoke again. "I'm going insane." He thought and got out of bed, he was a lot less tired now so there was no point in going back to bed "I can't live with this guilt, they're telling me to go back, I feel as if I should go back.. I NEED to go back, but I can't do it alone... it's all my fault and I should be doing it alone, but no, I need a whole search party. And I can't have anyone else knowing about my project, otherwise I'm done for... OH NO...."

Ring ring

"Hello?" Ned snorted

"I NEED to go back to the island, Ned."


"They're telling me to go, TJ is still alive, I must find him."

"Who is they?"

"THE PEOPLE ON THAT ISLAND NED! THEY'RE THERE BECAUSE OF ME! I have to go back and save the ones who are alive, but I just can't find them on my own, it will be impossible."

"But Tony, you can't have too much people finding out about your whole dinosaur park!"

"Yes, I know! That's why I'm only going to be asking the survivors to help! much do I have in my bank  account?"

"What? Why?"

"Bribery, that's the only way I'm going to get these people on board."

"You don't want to go down this path, Tony. Trust me."

"I can't live with the guilt! Plenty of them can still be alive! I never saw the corpses of Oliver, Ethan, Kate, Julia, Albert, Oliver or TJ! That's at least 5 people surviving, and a huge weight will be lifted off of my shoulders knowing I've saved the lives of 5 innocent people!"

"Please just put it behind you!"

"Ned, just listen to me. The T-Rex, is dead. The allosaurus, is dead, hell, all the carnivores are pretty much dead there is zero threat WHATSOEVER and so they'll all be alive and happy, ok? The place is a herbivore paradise! Now, tell me my bank balance!"

"Alright then, fine, but you better not be lying about this place being perfectly safe!"

"Ned, I PROMISE you, how about you tag along, it'll be fun, I promise!"


"Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Gallimimus, everything right in front of you! It's a surreal experience!"

"I've got nothing going for me anyway I guess I'll just tag along."

"YES! The more the merrier! Now, what was that umm.. Tommy's phone number?"

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