Open wide

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I spooned some carrott and peas baby food onto a plastic spoon and presented it to Sophie. However, she pouted and shook her head. 
"Come on baby, it's yummy," I tried prompting but she only shook her head more and tried to psuh me away. 
"No mummy," she whined, after I tried again. 
"Why not princess?" 
"It's not yucky! If you have this you can have some icecream," I teased. Her eyes grew wide at the thought of that. I giggled and nodded. "Yummy, strawberry icecream." That was her favourite. Instantly, her mouth opened wide for the food and I put it in- moving it up and making sure her lips took it all off the sppon. 
"Look at you! That's a good girl," I praised, clapping my hands slightly as she licked her lips. She giggled proudly and opened her mouth for more. We kept going like this until the whole jar was gone. 
"Wow! That's awesome baby!" I priased again and raised my hand for a high five. She giggled and high fived me. I couldn't help but notice all the orange mess around her mouth from the food but I thought it added to her character. She'd always been a messy eater. 
"Icecream now mummy?" She asked, bouncing up and down on her bottom. 
"Only if you stay in yoru seat princess," I said to her. She stopped bouncing and just beamed happily at me. I got up, made her a drink in a sippy bottle and began making ehr icecream. I could still see her from where I was in the kitchen as she drunk her drink happily. She seemed to be in the dazed like dream world and it was so cute. She'd hardly fought with me about this change and it was like she knew it was coming. It was like she wanted it. Not that I minded of course, I was more than happy to baby her. I always had done really, now it's a more legitamite sense. 

"Open wide angel face," I smirked, getting a little bit of icecream and putting it to her. she opened her mouth and smiled widely. I gave her the icecream and she laughed, eating it. I giggled at her silliness. "Is it nice?" 
"Sooooo nice mummy," she leaned forwards, opening he rmouth wanting more. I giggled and gave her more- continueing to feed her until it was all gone and I had a full baby and messy baby. Bath time! 

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