the shops

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Ellie POV

we went to pops diner for breakfast and i got sophie a kids pancake meal and myself a full breakfast, she was confused why i only got her kids meal but i shrugged it off with 'i didn't want to waste money, you never finish a full one' she agreed with me and said it was fair. to be honest, she couldn't even finish a kids one, i just smiled at the thought of my princess eating baby food. we then climbed back into the car and i subtly pressed the child-lock button on her door and then locked her seat-belt to, she won't know until we get there. we pulled into Asda (lol im british) and i got out, however sophie struggled to take her belt off. 
"ellieeeee it won't work," she whined loudly and tugged at it.
"oh princess, don't tug at it, we don't want you to break my car, just open your door and i'll come and help you," i smirked, i was already at the boot getting the bags out so i couldnt help her from my side of the car. she then tried to open her door but again couldn't. i could hear her cry loudly and it just made me smile, she was a helpless child. i walked around to her side and pretended to know nothing.
"why didn't you open the door babe?" i asked her, she wiggled her legs and said she couldn't, i just chuckled then leaned across her to take her belt off. she quickly climbed out of the car. 
"you can't do much today can you?" i chuckled and took her hand, to her it just seemed like innocent relationship holding but to me, i was keeping her close. 
"what are we getting?" she asked once i pulled a big cart out. 
"just some stuff, nothing to be concerned about," i smiled and bent down to kiss her head slightly. my poor girl was only just taller than the cart, a doubt a lot of people will believe we're dating. 

i walked us towards the clothes section and began find clothes in sophie's size, she could still fit into 12-14 age sized clothes so i could by her pretty babyish outfits.
"why you buying clothes?" sophie asked me innocently. 
"i think we need some spares at my house just in case, my clothes a little big one you and also, i wanted to treat you," i smiled and rushed towards a super cute dungaree dress. sophie usually wore less-grown up clothes because she simply couldn't find them in her size so she was used to slight babyation. however, my plan is even babier clothes. I put  sophies size into the cart and proceeded to look around, i picked up pink t-shirts, blue t-shirts a very cute summer dress, some shorts, lots of unicorn tops and then i caught eye of something adorable but i knew she'd protest to it, "babe, why don't you go and pick some shoes whilst i scan these, ill be with you in a second," i said to sophie, she nodded and walked away. i then rushed to the peppa pig section, they had a super cute footed onezie in her size and then i saw the winnie the pooh stuff, i instantly grabbed the sleepers and tops and a pair of tigger leggings. I put them to the bottom of the clothes pile just so she wouldn't comment on them then went to find her in the shoe sections. she was only a size 4 so again, she had to buy babyish shoes. she was currently trying on some white trainers but i caught a pair of velcro shoes. I smiled and found a size 4.
"here, lets try these,"  I suggested and bent down in front of her.
"I can do it myself," she huffed but whispered.
"But you couldn't get out of the car so I want to help you please," I said to her softly. she just sighed and handed me her foot. 
"Good girl," I smiled and slid the shoe onto the foot. "you look so pretty," I smiled and kissed her. 
"why do you keep talking to me like I'm a baby?" She giggled. 
"Well, i think its time i taught by baby girl how to be a real baby. you've wet the bed three time when im with you, you probably do it more when im not with you, its not good and i dont like it so, we are going to regress you," i smiled and held her hands. I was still bent down in front of her and i could see her gulp. 
"I dont want to be a baby," she whimpered.
"you have no choice in that my love, come on. lets go and get you some more supplies," i said, i took her shoe off, scanned the pair and then took her hand whilst my other hand pushed the cart, she was sniffing slightly and i found t kind of cute.

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