Sophie's 3rd accident

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Ellie POV

I woke up to the stench of pee and i instantly sighed, sophie had wet again... we were sharing a single bed due to me still living with my parents and not having any room for a double bed. we usually stay at sophie's but we had dinner here last night so we slept here to. sophie had no new clothes to change into and i was kind of annoyed that she had wet MY bed. usually its always in hers but now its on mine and i have to explain to my mum and dad that my 18 year old girlfriend wet the bed because she cant control herself. 

"sophie, wake up baby" I whispered in her ear and shook her slightly. i decided that if she wants to continue wetting my bed liek a child, she can be treated like a child, i got paid yesterday so we will go shopping later and buy some special things for my special baby. 
"mmmm" sophie groaned and rolled onto her back, im guessing she felt the wetness or smelt it because she pulled a sad face.
"lets get you cleaned up love," i smiled and climbed over her. her eyes still weren't open so i picked her up bridal style and led her on my bedroom floor. sophie was only small (especially for an 18  year old)- 5'' to be exact, i was 5'' 6 so i was clearly taller than her. i began pulling her soiled shorts off along with her soaking wet panties.  i then wiped her down with some baby wipes i had on my desk. she whimpered loudly and opened her eyes. 
"What you doing?" she mumbled in a sleepy voice.
"Just cleaning you p baby, don't worry." I reassured and rubbed her toned belly gently. she just nodded and relaxed against my touch. 

once she was clean i told her we were going shopping and also let her borrow some of my clothes, i took the sheet off my bed and took it downstairs and into the washing machine my mum was already down in the kitchen making breakfast so she questioned me on why i put wet sheets into wash.a
"Oh, soph had a little accident last night, didn't you sweets?" i smirked and cuddled her close tome.
"i didn't mean to," Sophie reassured and my mum just gave her a sympathetic look. 
"don't worry dear, it happens to everyone," my mum said to her which caused sophie to smile at me.
"come on then, lets go, we don't want the shops to be too busy when we get there, we can have breakfast out to," I said to my girlfriend an took her hand i then also picked up my car keys and kissed my mum goodbye. sophie still had no idea what we were getting from the shop and i was willing to keep it that way.

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