ch. 4 (lemon)

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Doc calmed himself a little before continuing.

"You don't have to do it y'know..."

"Well, I kinda want to. Just know I'm inexperienced and have never done anything like this before..."

"It should be fine, I've never had anything like this done before."

"Makes 2 of us..."

Doc gives an awkward smile before taking Sanford's member out. Doc licks the tip and shaft before slowly taking him in. Sanford grunts a little as doc's wet, warm, soft mouth encases him. He should've gotten shot sooner if he knew this would happen.

Doc continues going down and gets into a rythm almost.  Sanford grips the back of docs head and pulls him off as he cums.

"That was... Fast... And alot."

"Jesus I know... Couldn't hold it though! Your mouth and tongue are magic."

"Thank you, but now idk what to do about my..."

"I can help you with it since you helped me with mine?"

"Only if you want to, I won't force anything, and if I have to I'll just go back to my dorm and finish."

"You shouldn't have to go through all the trouble of going back there just do something I can do for you."

Doc blushes a bit and wipes Sanford's seed off of his face and licks it. Sanford pulls doc onto his good thigh and kisses him. It was doc's first kiss aswell. Doc leaned into it as Sanford palmed him through his pants.

Sanford soon took doc's shaft out, and began jacking him off, Doc lightly moaning as he had never been touched there by another person.

Sanford and doc's tongues danced with each other and doc grew closer and closer to his climax. The room became warmer as the two heated up.

Sanford moved to doc's neck and started palming his tip. Doc starting to lightly moan as he does so. Doc gripped Sanford tighter and bit his lip and he came into Sanford's hand.

Sanford licked the jizz off his hand and hugged doc as they fell backwards onto the bed.

With Deimos

"Where the fuck is that prick!? I've looked everywhere but the service tunnels for him! Is he in the service tunnels...? No... No those lead to the... Outlands. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck."

The small male got ready to venture into the abandoned service tunnels. He grabbed an AK-47 and, Liquid Sniper, and a Bowie knife. He walked down the 6 flights of stairs he had to take to get to the tunnels. He scanned his key card after seeing it was now rank 6+ entry only and climbed in.

Ha scanned his key card to call for the rail speeder and once it was there, he started moving. It took him to the very entrance doc used. And it was obvious. It took an hour and a half for him to get there, but he got there.

He climbed the old ladder and saw the door was gone. It was clean, had power and he hoped it wasn't taken over, but when he peeked around, he was disappointed and a bit nervous.

Deimos first went to the living room and was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a 6' 3' male dressed in black, red goggles, and messing with weaponry.

He tried backing up but stepped on a wrapper and the man whipped around, got up, and aimed an A.A.H.W grade pistol at him.

"What are you doing here. Who are you. How'd you get here?"

"I'm looking for my friend 2BDamned, haven't seen him in days. My name is Deimos. I got here through the abandoned service tunnels since that's tbe only place I haven't looked. Please tell me he's here I just wanna know if he's okay! Please dont kill me I don't want to die yet!"

"Well.... You're in luck. He's here. But he's with Sanford and I do t reccomend walking in on them. Who knows what they're doing..."

"Who are you tal-"



"That's a risk I'm willing to take! Why are you even here?"

"2B, we haven't hung out in days! You always say you're too busy! I know you're lying now. You're fucking Sanford aren't you."

"I never said that!"

"He is-"

"Sanford you're a fucknut for that."

"Gross. I'm leaving."

"Wish I could..."

"It's the truth my guy."

After a few minutes, Deimos leaves satisfied knowing doc isn't dead or some shit.

Sanford hugs 2B out of the blue and just pulls him onto the bed. Hank walks in,  puts a hand behind his neck and curses under his breath before asking s question no one saw coming.

"Uhm, 2B? What's your friend's number? He's kinda cute, and scared of me."

"Let me check."

Doc dug his way out of Sanford's arms and looks at his contacts, tapped on Deimos', and gave it to Hank who thanked do and walked to his room.

With Hank

The brute input the number and texted the Twink a simple word that starts all conversations.


"Hello...? Who's this?"


"How'd you get my number? Are you gonna track me down and kill me because I saw where you live D:"

"What? No! I got your number from 2B, you're pretty cute for a Twink I have to say."

"Great. Another person who calls me a Twink instead of my actual name >:("

"But you are one?"

"Just Becuase I'm skinny and bi with a slight preference for men doesn't mean I'm a Twink!"

"That's... That's almost the exact definition of a Twink...?"

"Well then you're a Twunk!"

"Fair, and true."


"Are you illiterate? I said you were right, made the right assumption, correct."

"No need to clarify -.- just surprised someone of your stature, status and appearance is into men."

"Take away that "n" on the last word of that text and you're right ;)"

"O.o wait what-"

"Why'd you think I asked for your number?"


One In A Million~ {2BDamned X Sanford / Hank X Deimos}Where stories live. Discover now