ch. 9 (TW)

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The girl lit up as Deimos snapped at her.

"You've... Omg!!!! You're so lucky! What's he like? Is he a-"

"Jesus stop pestering me! I was up till 6am with the prick. In tired. Damn."

"If we get fired... I'm throwing you first. You just told a rank one. That you were with Hank. The bitch the facility against. Are you dumb?"

"Oh! I won't tell! I promise! As long as you can tell me everything about him!"

"F-Fucking fine. Tomorrow. I'm tired."

The girl skips away and the two go to their rooms. They sleep the entire day. Guess it was just a dream. A nightmare actually.They go down to the tunnel entrance and the girl sprints up to them.

"Heya! Where are you guys going? Is that how you get to them? Is Hank down there!"

"What...? No."

"You're hiding something... Take me with ya!"

"No way in hell you're coming with."

"I'll tell a higher up about our little run in~"

"Fine. But spill a word to anyone and you'll be my next employee kill. This time, not out of fear. It won't be an accidental kill."

She raises her hands and follows them. If two people on that small rail speeder was a little cramped... Imagine adding a girl with big tits that's new to everything.

It was hell, but when we got there she was silent. Observing. Amazed. When we sees Hank, he aims a gun and neither me or Deimos stops him. She just sits there in awe.

"The hell is she doing here."

"Fan girl."


"You. And if she tries anything funny, better hop 2B gets to her first."

"I'd never let her try anything. You're too fragile and special for me to do that to you."

"Eheh, and I'd never do that to you~"

Hank lowers his gun and picks up Deimos to give him a kiss. 2B goes to Sanford and I hear the girl asking many many questions.

"Who's out there?"

"Hank fangirl."

"I feel bad for him."

"I almost feel bad for her."

"How so?"

"She'll be dead soon."


"Fan girls always act out one way or another after meeting their idol. And Lord knows if she's the reason Deimos does something to himself.... I'll kill her like the agency wants to kill Hank. Slow. Painful. Mercyless. Without regret."

"I'd help. If Deimos is your best friend, he's mine. And he's my best friends boyfriend. Just like yours mine."

A couple days pass and Hank is winning in Apex against Hank. Lizzie, the fan girl, just observing. When Deimos looses for the 7th time, he rages.


"I'll be here, darling."

Deimos storms out with a machete for like half an hour. Killing everyone in sight. They tried to kill him first.

Deimos gets back and stretches. Sanford and 2B were outfit the day. Deimos comes back to the room to see Lizzie kissing Hank. He drops the machete and begins to tear up.

"I should've never trusted you."

Lizzie gives him a "I won" eye and hank punches her in the tit.

"Deimos! Wait! It's not want it looks like!"

"It's never :sniffle: what it looks like, Hank! :Sniffle:"

"She caught me off guard! She came down when you left and just started watching me play and when your foot steps could be heard outside-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP. I DONT WANNA HEAR IT! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I-I just wanna be alone right now. :Sniffle:"

Hank steps back and nods. Deimos walks away. Lizzie walks up behind Hank and touches his arm.

"You know you liked it-"

Hank grabs her by the head and slams it into the wall. Watching her drop to the floor before stoping on her head and going back to his room.

With Deimos

Deimos went about 2 miles away from the base before collapsing and crying. Yelling at the top of his lungs before grabbing his knife from it's holster. He stares at it with eyes blurred by tears and laughs a little.

"T-This time... :Sniffle: I won't be stopped! Can't be stopped!"

He laughs again. Not noticing the racing foot steps approaching.


It was too late. He'd done it. It was through his throat again. Choking on the metal and blood.

Hank rushed over. He was only a few meters away. Deimos chokes a pained laugh before taking his last breath.

"Fuck! NO... No... Deimos! Fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

Hank takes the life out and wraps his mask around the wound. He had to take off his goggles as he ran full Sprint twards the service tunnels. Hank's eyes started to blur as tears swelled in them.

Hank rushes into the tunnels, fast but careful. In 45min he's there. Not giving a shit if people are shooting at him. He sustained bullet wounds, and a lot of them. But he kicked down Auditor's door. Ignoring the mag agents.


"About what? And why for you. You're in my domain."

"Do whatever the fuck you want to me. But save Deimos!"

"You need Jeb for that. Not me."

"No. I. Don't. I've seen what you can do. Now do something about Deimos!"

"Why do you care about such a weak-"

Hank punches Auditor in the face. Tears still in his eyes. Blinded by rage and sadness.


Auditor places a hand on Deimos chest and a black smoke appears. Deimos jolts up and yells.


"Seems like he didn't want that."

"Shut it you firey fuck face."

Hank hugs Deimos. And Auditor snaps his fingers. 2 tortures come through the door and hank jumps out of a window. 10 stories up... He runs. Doesn't stop. Ignores Deimos asking him questions and trying to get out of his arms. It took an entire day for them to reach the base. Hank made sure not to break the tunnel door so they didn't track him down.


One In A Million~ {2BDamned X Sanford / Hank X Deimos}Where stories live. Discover now