Shrek :holA bBb🤪😍
Waldo:heyyy bBB😍🤪😍
*makes out 2,000,000 times*
Shrek: LeTs GO GET SoMe cOffE at STaRBOOKAs😋🤪😍😜
*at the same time you and Levi are at STaRBOOKAs*
Levi:caN I GET A tEa😩😩
You:CaNn I GRT A WHiTE dRInK😘😜😩
*shrek and Waldo walk in*
*levi sees shrek*
*shrek works at the shop and Waldo gets free drinks*
You:i-I-I-I-i-I-is t-t-t hat shrek the fAmOuS MODLe😒😆😩🤪😍