Stone cold

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Carmen Sandeigo POV:
Our weapons chased together, I could see the fury and betrayal maybe even hurt in Y/n's eyes, I felt a pang in my heart as I attacked my sister figure... If only I took her with me, then maybe she wouldn't be like this...

Sliver Spirit:
I kept attacking as Carmen was on the defense, trying desperately the block and evade my attacks, I felt anger yet sad, how could she leave and not bring me?!

As I felt my grip on my katanas loosen, oh no...

They flung out of my hands, I looked at her furriness that my weapons where gone...

I flipped over Carmen and kicked her in the back, but she was one step ahead as she grabbed my leg as shoved it away hard.

I fell but not for long as I used my arms to lever myself and flipped over, now the tables where turned.


I failed... Oh no no no... What will they do to me certainly father wouldn't let them...

Shadow-san POV:
My daughter has just failed her first mission, while they where considering what they should do...

"We should give her a new suit that when she wears it she'll become 'cold-hearted' like stone!"

I looked at them shocked...

"You seem to forget we're talking about my Daughter, she's not another experiment for you to try things on!" I replied angry.

It was no use the plan was in action...

Sliver Spirit POV:

They gave this suit... Weird they also said 'WeAr ThIs oN yOuR nExT MiSsIoN'...

Whatever as soon as I get this mission over with the better.

I put the suit on and felt all emotions completely leave my body... I've forgotten everything... Who's Carmen Sandeigo?

 Who's Carmen Sandeigo?

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I ran though buildings as someone was running after me I stopped and flipped over the person as they turned around they had a scared expression on.... For my face had zero emotions or humanity left in them....

"What have they done to you y/n/n (your nickname).

As you pulled out your guns and started shooting.

But then blacked out suddenly....


Carmen Sandeigo POV:

She fell to the ground after 5 shots at me, I felt tears well up in my eyes... How could her own father do that to her...

As I ran towards her, I couldn't, no, she'd never forgive me... Would she.

Her face was a sicking white, she always was on the pale side, but it was ghostly white this time, there where bags under her eyes, and tons of blood.

"Carmen is that girl okay?" Asked Player

"I can't leave her... She's like my sister..." I whispered looking at her state.

Her body looked as if she was dieing, it was hard to watch...

"Carmen we can't just take her we have to get her to see that we are better than VILE..."

"I know and this makes me more eager to do so."


The jet came and picked up her tiny body as if it where the most precious jewel...

"Oh no my sweet little girl!" Cried a voice.

She opened her eyes to see Mrs. Aishi aka her Mother holding her daughter's fail body in her arms, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Mom it's okay" the sickly girl told her crying mom.


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